通过bulk collect减少loop处理的开销,
使用Bulk Collect提高Oracle查询效率。
采用bulk collect可以将查询结果一次性地加载到collections中,而不是通过cursor一条一条地处理。
可以在select into,fetch into,returning into语句使用bulk collect。
注意在使用bulk collect时,所有的into变量都必须是collections。
--在select into语句中使用bulk collect DECLARE TYPE SalList IS TABLE OF emp.sal%TYPE; sals SalList; BEGIN -- Limit the number of rows to 100. SELECT sal BULK COLLECT INTO sals FROM emp WHERE ROWNUM <= 100; -- Retrieve 10% (approximately) of the rows in the table. SELECT sal BULK COLLECT INTO sals FROM emp SAMPLE 10; END; / --在fetch into中使用bulk collect DECLARE TYPE DeptRecTab IS TABLE OF dept%ROWTYPE; dept_recs DeptRecTab; CURSOR c1 IS SELECT deptno,dname,loc FROM dept WHERE deptno > 10; BEGIN OPEN c1; FETCH c1 BULK COLLECT INTO dept_recs; END; / --在returning into中使用bulk collect CREATE TABLE emp2 AS SELECT * FROM employees; DECLARE TYPE NumList IS TABLE OF employees.employee_id%TYPE; enums NumList; TYPE NameList IS TABLE OF employees.last_name%TYPE; names NameList; BEGIN DELETE FROM emp2 WHERE department_id = 30 RETURNING employee_id,last_name BULK COLLECT INTO enums,names; dbms_output.put_line('Deleted ' || sql%ROWCOUNT || ' rows:'); FOR i IN enums.FIRST .. enums.LAST LOOP dbms_output.put_line('Employee #' || enums(i) || ': ' || names(i)); END LOOP; END; / DROP TABLE emp2;