> Oracle 11编译器引发
“PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments tips in call to ‘PIPE_TABLE'”
“PLS-00642: Local Collection Types Not Allowed in sql Statement”
> Oracle 12编译下面的包,没有这样的警告,但我们在运行时有一个惊喜
when executing the anonymous block as is – everything is fine
(we may pipe some rows in thepipe_table
function – it doesn’t affect)now let’s uncomment the line with
or put there a call to any procedure,and run the changed anonumous block again
we get “ORA-22163: left hand and right hand side collections are not of same type”
Oracle 12是否允许sql中的本地集合类型?
如果是,那么PACKAGE buggy_report的代码有什么问题?
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE buggy_report IS SUBTYPE t_id IS NUMBER(10); TYPE t_id_table IS TABLE OF t_id; TYPE t_info_rec IS RECORD ( first NUMBER ); TYPE t_info_table IS TABLE OF t_info_rec; TYPE t_info_cur IS REF CURSOR RETURN t_info_rec; FUNCTION pipe_table(p t_id_table) RETURN t_info_table PIPELINED; FUNCTION get_cursor RETURN t_info_cur; END buggy_report; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY buggy_report IS FUNCTION pipe_table(p t_id_table) RETURN t_info_table PIPELINED IS l_table t_id_table; BEGIN l_table := p; END; FUNCTION get_cursor RETURN t_info_cur IS l_table t_id_table; l_result t_info_cur; BEGIN OPEN l_result FOR SELECT * FROM TABLE (buggy_report.pipe_table(l_table)); RETURN l_result; END; END; / DECLARE l_cur buggy_report.t_info_cur; l_rec l_cur%ROWTYPE; PROCEDURE hello IS BEGIN NULL; END; BEGIN l_cur := buggy_report.get_cursor(); -- hello; LOOP FETCH l_cur INTO l_rec; EXIT WHEN l_cur%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE l_cur; dbms_output.put_line('success'); END; /
文档Database New Features Guide说:
PL/sql-Specific Data Types Allowed Across the PL/sql-to-sql Interface
The table operator can now be used in a PL/sql program on a collection whose data type is declared in PL/sql. This also allows the data type to be a PL/sql associative array. (In prior releases,the collection’s data type had to be declared at the schema level.)