为了减少对多个SSL证书或昂贵的通配符证书的需求,我想从一个Nginx server_name提供多个应用程序(例如rails应用程序,PHP应用程序,node.js应用程序).例如rooturl / railsapp rooturl / nodejsapp rooturl / PHPshop rooturl / PHPblog
(在Ubuntu LTS 12.04上测试过)
的/ etc / Nginx的/ proxy_params
#proxy_set_header Host $proxy_host; # instead of standard $host
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
在/ etc / Nginx的/启用的站点 – / global_redirects
# note: must disable the built-in
# /etc/Nginx/sites-enabled/default by removing it (it's a symlink)
server {
# redirects all http:// requests to https://
# critically,passes the original host the client was trying to connect to.
rewrite ^ https://$host$request_uri? permanent;
# combined redirect access and error logs for easier correlation
error_log '/var/log/Nginx/global_redirects';
access_log '/var/log/Nginx/global_redirects';
在/ etc / Nginx的/启用的站点 – / global_ssl
# This serves all enabled-locations over ssl only.
# If there's no match,it shows the default site.
include /etc/Nginx/upstreams-enabled/*; # include enabled upstream proxies
server {
listen 443 ssl;
ssl_certificate /etc/Nginx/server.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/Nginx/server.key;
keepalive_timeout 70;
root /usr/share/Nginx/www;
index index.html index.htm;
access_log '/var/log/Nginx/global_ssl';
error_log '/var/log/Nginx/global_ssl';
include /etc/Nginx/locations-enabled/*;
在/ etc / Nginx的/启用位置-/条
# points to hackernews but
# it could be instead
location ~ ^/bar(/.*)?${
include proxy_params;
include apps/node;
proxy_pass http://news.ycombinator.com/$1;
access_log '/var/log/Nginx/bar';
error_log '/var/log/Nginx/bar';
在/ etc / Nginx的/启用位置-/富
location ~ ^/foo(/.*)?${
include proxy_params;
include apps/ruby;
proxy_pass http://www.linode.com/$1;
access_log '/var/log/Nginx/foo';
error_log '/var/log/Nginx/foo';
upstream news.ycombinator.com {
server news.ycombinator.com;
upstream www.linode.com {
server www.linode.com;
的/ etc / Nginx的/应用/ruby
# Place ruby specific directives here
的/ etc / Nginx的/应用/节点
# Place node specific directives here
> http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpProxyModule
> http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpSslModule