ISO 8601 MySQL数据库时间戳:MySQL日期时间值不正确

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了ISO 8601 MySQL数据库时间戳:MySQL日期时间值不正确前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


{ [Error: Incorrect datetime value: ‘2012-08-24T17:29:11.683Z’ for
column ‘robot _refreshed_at’ at row 1] number: 1292,sqlStateMarker:
‘#’,sqlState: ‘22007’,message: ‘Incorrect datetime value:
\’2012-08-24T17:29:11.683Z\’ for column \’ robot_refreshed_at\’ at row
1′,sql: ‘INSERT INTO users
ot_refreshed_at,robot_count_followers) VALUES
[Function],emit: [Function],addListener: [Function],on: [Function],
once: [Function],removeListener: [Function],removeAllListeners:
[Function],listeners: [Function] }


  if s instanceof Date
         return s.toISOString()



     INSERT INTO users (id,rob ot_refreshed_at,robot_count_followers) VALUES (\'1834084\',\'NNNyingzi\',\'5\',\ '0\',\'0\',\'2012-08-24T17:29:11.683Z\',\'0\')



Date and Time Literals所述:

MysqL recognizes 07001 and 07002 values in these formats:

  • As a string in either 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' or 'YY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format. A “relaxed” Syntax is permitted here,too: Any punctuation character may be used as the delimiter between date parts or time parts. For example,'2012-12-31 11:30:45','2012^12^31 11+30+45','2012/12/31 11*30*45',and '2012@12@31 11^30^45' are equivalent.

  • As a string with no delimiters in either 'YYYYMMDDHHMMSS' or 'YYMMDDHHMMSS' format,provided that the string makes sense as a date. For example,'20070523091528' and '070523091528' are interpreted as '2007-05-23 09:15:28',but '071122129015' is illegal (it has a nonsensical minute part) and becomes '0000-00-00 00:00:00'.

  • As a number in either YYYYMMDDHHMMSS or YYMMDDHHMMSS format,provided that the number makes sense as a date. For example,19830905132800 and 830905132800 are interpreted as '1983-09-05 13:28:00'.

A 07001 or 07002 value can include a trailing fractional seconds part in up to microseconds (6 digits) precision. Although this fractional part is recognized,it is discarded from values stored into 07001 or 07002 columns. For information about fractional seconds support in MysqL,see 07007.

您的日期字体’2012-08-24T17:29:11.683Z’不适合任何这些格式;建议你 –

>使用Node.js Date对象的toLocaleFormat()方法(确保MysqL连接的时区与Node.js的语言环境的时区匹配):

  if s instanceof Date
         return s.toLocaleFormat("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

>使用Node.js Date对象的valueOf()方法获取自UNIX纪元以来的时间值(以毫秒为单位),除以1000(从UNIX纪元开始获得秒数)并通过MysqLFROM_UNIXTIME()函数.

