SQL Server history table – populate through SP or Trigger?
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[Audit_Customers_Update] ON [dbo].[Customers] FOR UPDATE AS select FirstName,LastName into #deleted from deleted; declare /*const*/ @TABLE_NAME sysname = '[table name]'; declare f cursor local forward_only read_only for select c.name,quotename(c.name,'[') from sys.columns c inner join sys.types t on c.system_type_id = t.system_type_id where c.object_id = object_id(@TABLE_NAME) and c.is_computed = 0 and c.is_identity = 0 and t.name not in ('text','image','timestamp','xml') and (substring(COLUMNS_UPDATED(),((c.column_id - 1) / 8) + 1,1) & power(2,(c.column_id - 1) % 8)) > 0 ; declare @field_name sysname,@field_name_sanitised sysname; create table #results (row_id int not null,field_name sysname not null,oldval nvarchar(150) null,newval nvarchar(150) null); -- For each changed field,insert what exactly changed into #results open f; fetch next from f into @field_name,@field_name_sanitised; while @@fetch_status = 0 begin declare @query nvarchar(4000); set @query = N'insert into #results(row_id,field_name,oldval,newval) select d.row_id,@field_name,d.' + @field_name_sanitised + N',i.' + @field_name_sanitised + N' from #deleted d inner join ' + @TABLE_NAME + N' i on d.row_id = i.row_id where (d.' + @field_name_sanitised + N' <> i.' + @field_name_sanitised + N') or (case when d.' + @field_name_sanitised + N' is null then 1 else 0 end <> case when i.' + @field_name_sanitised + N' is null then 1 else 0 end);' ; exec sp_executesql @stmt = @query,@params = N'@field_name sysname',@field_name = @field_name ; fetch next from f into @field_name,@field_name_sanitised; end; close f; deallocate f; -- Do something meaningful to #results here
select <list of tracked columns here> into #deleted from deleted; declare /*const*/ @TABLE_NAME sysname = '[table name]'; declare f cursor local forward_only read_only for select c.name,@field_name_sanitised; end; close f; deallocate f; -- Do something meaningful to #results here