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How to get rows having sum equal to given value4个
这是表T: –
这是表T: –
id num ------- 1 50 2 20 3 90 4 40 5 10 6 60 7 30 8 100 9 70 10 80
select * from T where sum(num) = '150'
预期的结果是: –
id num ------- 1 50 8 100
id num ------- 2 20 7 30 8 100
id num ------- 4 40 5 10 8 100
在现实世界中 – 客户从商店获取商品,并且由于他和商店之间的协议,他每周五付款.付款金额不是商品的确切总数
例如:他得到5本50欧元(= 250欧元)的书,周五他带150欧元,所以前3本书是完美匹配 – 3 * 50 = 150.我需要找到这3本书的id!
第一个递归查询构建具有累积和< = 150的项目树.第二个递归查询采用具有累积和= 150的叶子并将所有这些路径输出到其根.同样在ItemsCount排序的最终结果中,您将首先获得首选组(最小项目数).
WITH CTE as ( SELECT id,num,id as Grp,0 as parent,num as CSum,1 as cnt,CAST(id as Varchar(MAX)) as path from T where num<=150 UNION all SELECT t.id,t.num,CTE.Grp as Grp,CTE.id as parent,T.num+CTE.CSum as CSum,CTE.cnt+1 as cnt,CTE.path+','+CAST(t.id as Varchar(MAX)) as path from T JOIN CTE on T.num+CTE.CSum<=150 and CTE.id<T.id ),BACK_CTE as (select CTE.id,CTE.num,CTE.grp,CTE.path,CTE.cnt as cnt,CTE.parent,CSum from CTE where CTE.CSum=150 union all select CTE.id,BACK_CTE.path,BACK_CTE.cnt,CTE.CSum from CTE JOIN BACK_CTE on CTE.id=BACK_CTE.parent and CTE.Grp=BACK_CTE.Grp and BACK_CTE.CSum-BACK_CTE.num=CTE.CSum ) select id,NUM,path,cnt as ItemsCount from BACK_CTE order by cnt,Id