The current limitation of 2500 items
expanded in one Object Explorer Node
has been put in place to prevent the
Tree View Control from exceeding the
64K limit when multiple Object
Explorer nodes get expanded. The
Windows XP and Windows Server 2003
version of the Tree View control has a
bug where it just stops displaying
nodes once the total number of nodes
exceeds 64K.Object Explorer Details window can be
used to see the entire list of items –
it doesn’t have the above limitation.
Users can see the list by clicking at
the informational node that displays
the warning in the Object Explorer.
Object Explorer Details duplicates
most of Object Explorer functionality
including all the context menus.We are reviewing the customer Feedback
and considering adjusting this
behavior one more time. Please let us
know if you’d prefer the old behavior
back or if you have any other
我在Windows 7机器上遇到这个问题,所以我不认为它只是局限于Windows XP和Windows Server 2003,Microsoft说.