数据库设计 – Blockchain(比特币)作为数据库?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了数据库设计 – Blockchain(比特币)作为数据库?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
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What is blockchain?

Blockchains rely on cryptography to allow a set of computers to make changes to a global record without needing a central actor.

Removing the middleman cuts costs in almost every sector.

The blockchain is a ledger that records everything that happens to a collection of data known as a “block” in a chronological order or “chain”.

As a currency this is an important feature because it allows users to be sure their digital money is one of a kind,the same way each note in your wallet is unique.

“Blockchain tech will be the way we create assets because it allows you to transfer digital information without copying,” says Adam Ludwin,chief executive of Chain.com,which builds blockchain networks.

Blockchain can be used to track the history of all sorts of information and maintain its value,so,for example,doctors could use it to update medical records.

Since each change to a blockchain is made simultaneously across the whole network,no information is lost and because changes cannot be undone the system maintains its transparency. A special key is needed to make changes to each block,so individuals can keep their records safe by protecting that key.


Is blockchain a potentially viable database solution for modern,high transaction volume applications?


以比特币为例.每天的平均交易额从未超过300K:Transactions per day (source blockchain.info)

更重要的是,交易的中位数确认时间约为8分钟!:Median Transaction Confirmation Time (With Fee Only)Quandl的漂亮图像:


我们只能估计它们有多少,但我猜它们超过一百万.一天有300万台计算机的300K交易听起来不像是高容量. 8分钟确认?



如果区块链技术将来解决了这个问题,那么它可能可以用于中型或大型应用.我们可以阅读有关如何解决问题的讨论和建议 – 链接中提到的许多公司实际上正在解决这些问题 – 但我们还没有看到提供大量和高速度的实际工作解决方案或产品.

