Cars.where(:engine => "Turbo").pluck(:id).find_in_batches do |ids| puts ids end # [1,2,3....] # ...
有没有办法做到这一点(也许与Arel),而不必自己编写OFFSET / LIMIT逻辑或重复分页宝石如paginate或kaminari?
这不是理想的解决方案,但是这里的方法只是复制粘贴大多数find_in_batches但产生关系而不是记录数组(未经测试) – 只需将其修补为关系:
def in_batches( options = {} ) relation = self unless arel.orders.blank? && arel.taken.blank? ActiveRecord::Base.logger.warn("Scoped order and limit are ignored,it's forced to be batch order and batch size") end if (finder_options = options.except(:start,:batch_size)).present? raise "You can't specify an order,it's forced to be #{batch_order}" if options[:order].present? raise "You can't specify a limit,it's forced to be the batch_size" if options[:limit].present? relation = apply_finder_options(finder_options) end start = options.delete(:start) batch_size = options.delete(:batch_size) || 1000 relation = relation.reorder(batch_order).limit(batch_size) relation = start ? relation.where(table[primary_key].gteq(start)) : relation while ( size = relation.size ) > 0 yield relation break if size < batch_size primary_key_offset = relation.last.id if primary_key_offset relation = relation.where(table[primary_key].gt(primary_key_offset)) else raise "Primary key not included in the custom select clause" end end end
Cars.where(:engine => "Turbo").in_batches do |relation| relation.pluck(:id) end