#include <fcntl.h> #include <termios.h> #include <stdio.h> int main() { int fd = open("/dev/ttyS0",O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK); if(fd < 0) { perror("Could not open device"); } printf("Device opened\n"); struct termios options; tcgetattr(fd,&options); cfmakeraw(&options); cfsetispeed(&options,B19200); cfsetospeed(&options,B19200); tcsetattr(fd,TCSANOW,&options); char txpacket[] = {0x23,0x06,0x00,0xdd,0xf9}; ssize_t written = write(fd,txpacket,sizeof(txpacket)); printf("Written %d bytes\n",written); printf("Starting to wait for target to respond\n"); while(1) { fd_set readset; FD_ZERO(&readset); FD_SET(fd,&readset); int nCount = select(fd + 1,&readset,NULL,NULL); if(nCount > 0) { if(FD_ISSET(fd,&readset)) { int i; char buffer[128]; ssize_t bytesread = read(fd,buffer,sizeof(buffer)); printf("Received %d bytes\n",bytesread); for(i = 0; i < bytesread; i++) { printf(" %02x",buffer[i]); } } } } }
该程序打开串行设备/ dev / ttyS0,向其写入一系列数据并开始监听响应.我得到以下输出:
Device opened Written 6 bytes Starting to wait for target to respond Received 0 bytes Received 0 bytes Received 0 bytes Received 0 bytes Received 0 bytes Received 0 bytes ...