我正在使用WebStorm和gulp以及任务后端:观察在后台运行以监听更改.因此,当我在WebStorm中点击“保存”时,它确实将TS转换为JS并存储在/ build目录下.
我的方法效果很好,但是转换是耗时的 – 每次运行需要两到三秒,秒会变成分钟,依此类推.
> https://www.npmjs.com/package/ts-node是另一种选择,但我是
////////////////////////////////////////////// // Backend tasks ////////////////////////////////////////////// const appSourceDir = path.join(dir,'/app'); const appSourceGlob = `${appSourceDir}/**/*.*`; const appSourceRelativeGlob = 'app/**/*.*'; const appCodeGlob = `${appSourceDir}/**/*.ts`; const appCodeRelativeGlob = 'app/**/*.ts'; const appFilesGlob = [appSourceGlob,`!${appCodeGlob}`]; const appFilesRelativeGlob = [appSourceRelativeGlob,`!${appCodeRelativeGlob}`]; const appBuildDir = path.join(dir,'/build'); gulp.task('backend:symlink',[],function (done) { const appTargetDir = path.join(dir,'/node_modules/app'); // symlink for app fs.exists(appTargetDir,function (err) { if (!err) { fs.symlinkSync(appBuildDir,appTargetDir,'dir'); } }); done(); }); gulp.task('backend:clean',function (done) { clean([appBuildDir + '/**/*','!.gitkeep'],done); }); gulp.task('backend:compile',function (done) { tsCompile([appCodeGlob],appBuildDir,appSourceDir,done); }); gulp.task('backend:files',function () { // copy fixtures and other non ts files // from app directory to build directory return gulp .src(appFilesGlob) .pipe(plugin.cached('files')) .pipe(gulp.dest(appBuildDir)); }); gulp.task('backend:build',function (done) { sequence( 'backend:clean','backend:compile','backend:files',done ); }); gulp.task('backend:watch:code',function () { const watcher = gulp.watch([appCodeRelativeGlob],['backend:compile']); watcher.on('change',function (event) { // if a file is deleted,forget about it if (event.type === 'deleted') { // gulp-cached remove api delete plugin.cached.caches.code[event.path]; delete plugin.event.caches.lint[event.path]; // delete in build del(getPathFromSourceToBuild(event.path,appBuildDir)); } }); }); gulp.task('backend:watch:files',function () { const watcher = gulp.watch([appFilesRelativeGlob],['backend:files']); watcher.on('change',forget about it if (event.type === 'deleted') { // gulp-cached remove api delete plugin.cached.caches.files[event.path]; delete plugin.event.caches.lint[event.path]; // delete in build del(getPathFromSourceToBuild(event.path,appBuildDir)); } }); }); gulp.task('backend:watch',['backend:build'],function (done) { // first time build all by backend:build,// then compile/copy by changing gulp .start([ 'backend:watch:code','backend:watch:files' ],done); }); ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helpers ////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * remaps file path from source directory to destination directory * @param {string} file path * @param {string} source directory path * @param {string} destination directory path * @returns {string} new file path (remapped) */ function getPathFromSourceToBuild(file,source,destination) { // Simulating the {base: 'src'} used with gulp.src in the scripts task const filePathFromSrc = path.relative(path.resolve(source),file); // Concatenating the 'destination' absolute // path used by gulp.dest in the scripts task return path.resolve(destination,filePathFromSrc); } /** * @param {Array} path - array of paths to compile * @param {string} dest - destination path for compiled js * @param {string} baseDir - base directory for files compiling * @param {Function} done - callback when complete */ function tsCompile(path,dest,baseDir,done) { const ts = plugin.typescript; const tsProject = ts.createProject('tsconfig.json'); gulp .src(path,{base: baseDir}) // used for incremental builds .pipe(plugin.cached('code')) .pipe(plugin.sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(tsProject(ts.reporter.defaultReporter())).js .pipe(plugin.sourcemaps.write('.')) .pipe(gulp.dest(dest)) .on('error',done) .on('end',done); } /** * Delete all files in a given path * @param {Array} path - array of paths to delete * @param {Function} done - callback when complete */ function clean(path,done) { log('Cleaning: ' + plugin.util.colors.blue(path)); del(path).then(function (paths) { done(); }); } /** * Log a message or series of messages using chalk's blue color. * Can pass in a string,object or array. */ function log(msg) { if (typeof (msg) === 'object') { for (let item in msg) { if (msg.hasOwnProperty(item)) { plugin.util.log(plugin.util.colors.blue(msg[item])); } } } else { plugin.util.log(plugin.util.colors.blue(msg)); } }
你有没有试过tsc – 没有gulp的手表,也没有npm在中间?这就是我发现观察和编译项目的最快方法.它第一次需要1-2秒 – 但几乎是瞬间的.如果你的目标是尽可能快地摆脱所有技术 – 甚至npm将需要半秒 – 我想更多.
另外,另一方面,如果您正在使用多个打字稿项目,请确保您使用新的TypeScript功能复合项目,https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/project-references.html – 在我的情况下,我正在使用mono-repo并且需要编译几个项目并且此功能可以大大提高速度并简化编译工作流程.
请记住,TypeScript不仅仅是一个编译器,它也是一个语言服务 – 这就是为什么-watch将比tsc更好地完成工作 – 它将执行部分编译