
我使用requirejs编写了一个 JavaScript应用程序来处理依赖注入.我已编译该文件,但在将其作为脚本包含时出现明显错误

Uncaught ReferenceError: define is not defined




您无法完全删除require / define依赖项,但您可以使用更小的垫片替换它,这不会带来任何显着的性能损失.请参阅优化指南的 How can I provide a library to others that does not depend on RequireJS?部分:

If you are building a library for use on web pages that may not use RequireJS or an AMD loader,you can use the optimizer to combine all your modules into one file,then wrap them in a function and use an AMD API shim. This allows you to ship code that does not ship with all of RequireJS,and allows you to export any kind of API that works on a plain web page without an AMD loader.

07001 is an AMD API shim that is very small,so it can be used in place of require.js when all of your modules are built into one file using the RequireJS optimizer. The wrap build config option will put a function wrapper around the code,or you can provide your own wrapper if you need to do extra logic.

