由于我们使用yeoman / grunt,我遇到了this handlebars plugin.我已将其配置如下:
handlebars: { compile: { options: { namespace: 'JST' },files: { '<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/templates.js': [ '<%= yeoman.app %>/templates/*.hbs' ],} } }
正如插件的“用法示例”部分所示.这正在按预期工作,生成dist / scripts / templates.js文件.但是将模板放在’JST’命名空间中使得它们不再可以访问Ember.这是我得到的错误:
Uncaught Error: assertion Failed: You specified the templateName application for <App.ApplicationView:ember312>,but it did not exist.
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Since we are using yeoman/grunt,I have come across this handlebars plugin.
有关详细信息,请参见How does Ember.js reference Grunt.js precompiled Handlebars templates?
How can I “initialize” the handlebars templates,which are right nor in templates.js,so that Ember can find them?
Ember.TEMPLATES['myFunkyTemplate'] = Ember.Handlebars.compile('Hello {{personName}}');
How can I tell ember where to place the templates in the DOM,since the templates are now out of the document body?
模板的来源并不重要,所有的ember看起来都是模板的id. application.hbs模板将呈现到应用程序的根元素(默认为document.body),所有其他模板通过视图助手等呈现到出口中.