1. xml文件如下
1. xml文件如下
<courses> <course title="math"> <time>1:00pm</time> <time>3:00pm</time> </course> <course title="physic"> <time>1:00pm</time> <time>3:00pm</time> </course> </courses>
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var course_data; // variable to hold data in once it is loaded $.get('courses.xml',function(data) { // get the courses.xml file course_data = data; // save the data for future use // so we don't have to call the file again var that = $('#courses'); // that = the courses select $('course',course_data).each(function() { // find courses in data // dynamically create a new option element // make its text the value of the "title" attribute in the XML // and append it to the courses select $('<option>').text($(this).attr('title')).appendTo(that); }); },'xml'); // specify what format the request will return - XML $('#courses').change(function() { // bind a trigger to when the // courses select changes var val = $(this).val(); // hold the select's new value var that = $('#times').empty(); // empty the select of times // and hold a reference in 'that' $('course',course_data).filter(function() { // get all courses... return val == $(this).attr('title'); // find the one chosen }).find('time').each(function() { // find all the times... // create a new option,set its text to the time,append to // the times select $('<option>').text($(this).text()).appendTo(that); }); }); }); </script> Courses: <select id='courses'> <option value='0'>----------</option> </select> <br> Times: <select id='times'> <option value='0'>----------</option> </select>
我正在使用$(document).ready();等待页面准备好.一旦它,我将加载文件courses.xml中的所有数据(您将更改为返回XML文件的任何数据).获得此数据后,我会填充课程< select>具有XML中所有课程的价值.然后我绑定一个触发器,每当课程< select>改变了.当发生这种情况时,我会找到所选择的课程并循环遍历时间< select>.