我该怎么做呢?我对jQuery / ajax没有那么多经验.
var locations = [ ['some random info here',-37.8139,144.9634,1],['some random info here',46.0553,14.5144,2],-33.7333,151.0833,3],27.9798,-81.731,4],]; var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_2385853'),{ zoom: 1,maxZoom: 8,minZoom: 1,streetViewControl: false,center: new google.maps.LatLng(40,0),mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP }); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); var marker,i; for (i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) { marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: new google.maps.LatLng(locations[i][1],locations[i][2]),map: map }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker,'click',(function(marker,i) { return function() { infowindow.setContent(locations[i][0]); infowindow.open(map,marker); } })(marker,i)); }
$(function() { var locations = {};//A repository for markers (and the data from which they were constructed). //initial dataset for markers var locs = { 1: { info:'11111. Some random info here',lat:-37.8139,lng:144.9634 },2: { info:'22222. Some random info here',lat:46.0553,lng:14.5144 },3: { info:'33333. Some random info here',lat:-33.7333,lng:151.0833 },4: { info:'44444. Some random info here',lat:27.9798,lng:-81.731 } }; var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_2385853'),{ zoom: 1,mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP }); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); var auto_remove = true;//When true,markers for all unreported locs will be removed. function setMarkers(locObj) { if(auto_remove) { //Remove markers for all unreported locs,and the corrsponding locations entry. $.each(locations,function(key) { if(!locObj[key]) { if(locations[key].marker) { locations[key].marker.setMap(null); } delete locations[key]; } }); } $.each(locObj,function(key,loc) { if(!locations[key] && loc.lat!==undefined && loc.lng!==undefined) { //Marker has not yet been made (and there's enough data to create one). //Create marker loc.marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: new google.maps.LatLng(loc.lat,loc.lng),map: map }); //Attach click listener to marker google.maps.event.addListener(loc.marker,(function(key) { return function() { infowindow.setContent(locations[key].info); infowindow.open(map,locations[key].marker); } })(key)); //Remember loc in the `locations` so its info can be displayed and so its marker can be deleted. locations[key] = loc; } else if(locations[key] && loc.remove) { //Remove marker from map if(locations[key].marker) { locations[key].marker.setMap(null); } //Remove element from `locations` delete locations[key]; } else if(locations[key]) { //Update the prevIoUs data object with the latest data. $.extend(locations[key],loc); if(loc.lat!==undefined && loc.lng!==undefined) { //Update marker position (maybe not necessary but doesn't hurt). locations[key].marker.setPosition( new google.maps.LatLng(loc.lat,loc.lng) ); } //locations[key].info looks after itself. } }); } var ajaxObj = {//Object to save cluttering the namespace. options: { url: "........",//The resource that delivers loc data. dataType: "json"//The type of data tp be returned by the server. },delay: 10000,//(milliseconds) the interval between successive gets. errorCount: 0,//running total of ajax errors. errorThreshold: 5,//the number of ajax errors beyond which the get cycle should cease. ticker: null,//setTimeout reference - allows the get cycle to be cancelled with clearTimeout(ajaxObj.ticker); get: function() { //a function which initiates if(ajaxObj.errorCount < ajaxObj.errorThreshold) { ajaxObj.ticker = setTimeout(getMarkerData,ajaxObj.delay); } },fail: function(jqXHR,textStatus,errorThrown) { console.log(errorThrown); ajaxObj.errorCount++; } }; //Ajax master routine function getMarkerData() { $.ajax(ajaxObj.options) .done(setMarkers) //fires when ajax returns successfully .fail(ajaxObj.fail) //fires when an ajax error occurs .always(ajaxObj.get); //fires after ajax success or ajax error } setMarkers(locs);//Create markers from the initial dataset served with the document. //ajaxObj.get();//Start the get cycle. // ******************* //test: simulated ajax /* var testLocs = { 1: { info:'1. New Random info and new position',lat:-37,lng:124.9634 },//update info and position and 2: { lat:70,//update position 3: { info:'3. New Random info' },//update info 4: { remove: true },//remove marker 5: { info:'55555. Added',lng:0 }//add new marker }; setTimeout(function() { setMarkers(testLocs); },ajaxObj.delay); */ // ******************* });
10秒后,将应用testLocs,您将看到标记的各种更改(以及infowindow中显示的信息).请特别注意,更新数据不需要完整 – 只需指定更改即可.
<%PHP $testLocs = array( 'loc1' => array( 'info' => '1. New Random info and new position','lat' => 0,'lng' => 144.9634 ),'loc2' => array( 'lat' => 0,'lng' => 14.5144 ),'loc3' => array( 'info' => '3. New Random info' ),'loc5' => array( 'info' => '55555. Added','lng' => 60 ) ); echo json_encode($testLocs); exit(); %>
我不确定PHP是否会处理数字键.如果没有,那么尝试字符串,’1′,’2’等.给所有键一个字母前缀可能是最安全的,例如. ‘loc1’,’loc2’等.无论您选择做什么,请确保javascript locs对象中的键具有相同的类型和组成.