我正在使用Blue Imp jQuery File Uploader将文件上传到MVC控制器.这适用于所有浏览器,除了Internet Explorer 8,其中data.submit()似乎没有被触发.我在“数据”中添加了一个监视器,我可以看到该文件,但是表单根本没有提交.下面是我的插件代码的精简版:
$('#fileupload').fileupload({ dataType: 'json',url: "Upload/Index",limitConcurrentUploads: 1,sequentialUploads: true,add: function (e,data) { var filename = data.files[0].name; data.context = $('<div class="progress-container"></div>').text(filename).appendTo ($('#filelistholder')); // Add a progress bar for the file $('<div class=\"margin-b-10 progress-halved\"><div class="bar"></div></div>').appendTo(data.context); // Add a new click event for the Upload All button and enable it $('#btnUploadAll').removeAttr('disabled').click(function () { // Submit the file and remove the click event data.submit(); $('#btnUploadAll').off('click'); }); // Show how many files have been selected $('#overallProgressText').text($('.progress-container').size() + ' file(s) selected'); },progressall: function (e,data) { // Update the Overall progress bar var progress = parseInt(data.loaded / data.total * 100,10); $('#overallbar').css('width',progress + '%'); // If all files have finished uploading disable the Upload All button if (progress == 100) { $('#btnUploadAll').attr('disabled','disabled'); } },progress: function (e,data) { // Update the file's progress bar var progress = parseInt(data.loaded / data.total * 100,10); data.context.find('.bar').css('width',progress + '%'); },fail: function (e,data) { $('#alertDivText').text('An unexpected error has occurred'); $('#AlertDiv').dialog({ title: "Alert",buttons: { Close: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); } },modal: true,cloSEOnEscape: true,}); } });