我有一个使用无线接收器的任务,需要的不仅仅是jQuery的get / post功能.
由于跨域问题,这个jQuery得到了在Aptana IDE中创建的Adobe Air App中执行.
它必须是adobe air,因为Web服务器不会接近无线接收器最终连接的位置.
所以我需要一个可以与2Know Renaissance无线接收器通信的应用程序.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <Meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>2Know Wireless Communicator</title> </head> <body> <h1>Current Status/Prograess</h1> <!--- step 1. is server connected ---> <div id="server_status" style="font-size:12px;"></div> <!--- step 2. list number of devices connected ---> <div id="device_count" style="font-size:12px;"></div> <div id="device_info" style="font-size:12px;"></div> <!--- step 3.a Service Handler handler status / csh = Service Handler handler ---> <div id="csh_status" style="font-size:12px;"></div> <!--- step 3.b disconnect status handler handler of many handlers ---> <div id="dis_status" style="font-size:12px;"></div> <!--- step 4. test sending a question to a device ---> <div id="post_results" style="font-size:12px;"></div> <!-- load the local jquery --> <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery/jquery-1.4.2.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery/json_parse.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery/jparse.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/air/AIRAliases.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/air/AIRIntrospector.js" /> <!-- Include service monitor framework --> <script type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="lib/air/servicemonitor.swf"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function watch_connection() { // do ajax get $.ajax({ type: "GET",datatype: "xml",url: "http://my_ip_address:port/Services/ConnectServiceHandler",success: function(response){ $('#post_results').html(response); },error:function (xhr,ajaxOptions,thrownError){ $('#post_results').html("readyState: "+xhr.readyState+"\nstatus: "+xhr.status); } }); setTimeout(function(){watch_connection;},100); } function disconnect_service_handler() { // step 1. create xml document of data to send var xml_string = '<data><disconnect_handler service="64"/></data>'; // step 2. post this to the registration service $.ajax({ type: "POST",url:"http://my_ip_address:port/Services/DisconnectServiceHandler",data: xml_string,beforeSend: function(xhr){ xhr.withCredentials = true; },timeout: (2 * 1000),success: function(response){ // parse the response $(response).find("status").each(function() { // get the status code var disconnect_status = $(this).attr('code'); if (disconnect_status == 200) { // change status bar message $('#dis_status').html('Disconnecting: [200 Disconnected]'); // call connection using new guid var my_guid = guid(); connect_service_handler(my_guid); } if (disconnect_status == 304) { // change status bar message $('#dis_status').html('Disconnecting: [304 No handler found]'); } if (disconnect_status == 400) { // change status bar message $('#dis_status').html('Disconnecting: [400 Bad Request]'); } if (disconnect_status == 401) { // change status bar message $('#dis_status').html('Disconnecting: [401 Not Found]'); } if (disconnect_status == 500) { // change status bar message $('#dis_status').html('Disconnecting: [500 Internal Server Failure]'); } if (disconnect_status == 501) { // change status bar message $('#dis_status').html('Disconnecting: [503 Service Unavailable]'); } }); },thrownError){ $('#dis_status').html('Disconnecting: [Disconnect Failure]'); } }); } function S4() { return (((1+Math.random())*0x10000)|0).toString(16).substring(1); } function guid() { return (S4()+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+S4()+S4()); } function connect_service_handler(my_guid) { // step 1. create xml document of data to send var xml_string = '<data><connect_handler service="64"><application id="'+my_guid+'" name="MikesBigEar" /></connect_handler></data>'; // step 2. post this to the registration service $.ajax({ type: "POST",url:"http://my_ip_address:port/Services/ConnectServiceHandler",success: function(response){ // parse the response $(response).find("status").each(function() { // get the status code var connection_status = $(this).attr('code'); if (connection_status == 200) { // change status bar message $('#csh_status').html('Service Handler: [200 Connected]'); // keep connection open keep socket alive // sends http request to us via post // sends the incoming request id and device address back to make sure it goes to the correct device // ask for user id or user authentication // for user authentication can either use built-in user authentication or ask a question // http 1.1 keep alive header $('#post_results').html('Attempting to check for next piece of data...'); watch_connection(); } if (connection_status == 303) { // change status bar message $('#csh_status').html('Service Handler: [303 The handler is assigned to another application]'); var my_guid = guid(); connect_service_handler(my_guid); } if (connection_status == 400) { // change status bar message $('#csh_status').html('Service Handler: [400 Bad Request]'); disconnect_service_handler(); } if (connection_status == 401) { // change status bar message $('#csh_status').html('Service Handler: [401 Not Found]'); disconnect_service_handler(); } if (connection_status == 500) { // change status bar message $('#csh_status').html('Service Handler: [500 Internal Server Failure]'); disconnect_service_handler(); } if (connection_status == 501) { // change status bar message $('#csh_status').html('Service Handler: [501 Service Unavailable]'); disconnect_service_handler(); } }); // pass the xml to the textarea // $('#process').val('ConnectServiceHandler'); // $('#show_errors_here').val(response); },thrownError){ $('#csh_status').html('Service Handler: [Connection Failure]'); // alert("readyState: "+xhr.readyState+"\nstatus: "+xhr.status); // alert("responseText: "+xhr.responseText); // alert(xhr.status); // alert(thrownError); } }); // set timed re-check and store it // setTimeout(function(){connect_service_handler(my_guid);},8000); } function get_device_count(my_guid) { // get the total number of devices // default receiver status var receiver_status = ''; $('#device_count').html('Device Count: [Checking...]'); $('#device_info').html(''); // get the wireless receiver status via ajax xml $.ajax({ type: "GET",url:"http://my_ip_address:port/Services/GetDevices",success: function(response){ $(response).find("status").each(function() { // get the status code var receiver_status = $(this).attr('code'); if (receiver_status == 200) { // change status bar message $('#device_count').html('Device Count: [200 Connected]'); } if (receiver_status == 400) { // change status bar message $('#device_count').html('Device Count: [400 Bad Request]'); } if (receiver_status == 401) { // change status bar message $('#device_count').html('Device Count: [401 Not Found]'); } if (receiver_status == 500) { // change status bar message $('#device_count').html('Device Count: [500 Internal Server Failure]'); } if (receiver_status == 501) { // change status bar message $('#device_count').html('Device Count: [501 Service Unavailable]'); } }); var device_count = 0; // add to div $('#device_info').append('<ul style="font-size:10px;">'); $(response).find("device").each(function() { // get each property var device_status = $(this).attr('status'); var short_address = $(this).attr('short_address'); var mac_address = $(this).attr('mac_address'); var pan_id = $(this).attr('pan_id'); var type = $(this).attr('type'); device_count = device_count + 1; // get session data $(this).find("session").each(function() { // get session data var created_date = $(this).attr('date'); var created_time = $(this).attr('time'); }); $('#device_info').append('<li style="list-style:none;">Device #'+device_count+'<ul>'); // add list item $('#device_info').append('<li> Mac Address: ['+mac_address+']</li>'); $('#device_info').append('<li> Short Address: ['+short_address+']</li>'); $('#device_info').append('<li> Pan ID: ['+pan_id+']</li>'); $('#device_info').append('</ul></li><br/>'); // send request to this device // post_live_activity(mac_address,my_guid); }); // end list $('#device_info').append('</ul>'); if (device_count === 0) { $('#device_count').html('Device Count: [0 Devices Found]'); } else if (device_count > 0) { $('#device_count').html('Device Count: [' + device_count + ' Devices Found]'); } },thrownError){ $('#device_count').html('Device Count: [Connection Failure]'); // alert(xhr.status); // alert(thrownError); } }); // set timed re-check and store it setTimeout(function(){get_device_count(my_guid);},13000); } function get_server_status(my_guid) { // default receiver status var receiver_status = ''; // get the Renaissance Wireless Server via ajax xml $.ajax({ type: "GET",url:"http://my_ip_address:port/Services/GetAccessPoints",success: function(response){ $(response).find("status").each(function() { // get the status code var receiver_status = $(this).attr('code'); if (receiver_status == 200) { // change status bar message $('#server_status').html('Renaissance Wireless Server: [200 Connected]'); // step 2. get device count get_device_count(my_guid); // step 3.part 1 get the guid to be used as the application id // var my_guid = guid(); // step 3. part 2 connect to a service handler whatever that means connect_service_handler(my_guid); } if (receiver_status == 400) { // change status bar message $('#server_status').html('Renaissance Wireless Server: [400 Bad Request]'); // set timed re-check and store it setTimeout(function(){get_server_status(my_guid);},12300); } if (receiver_status == 401) { // change status bar message $('#server_status').html('Renaissance Wireless Server: [401 Not Found]'); // set timed re-check and store it setTimeout(function(){get_server_status(my_guid);},12300); } if (receiver_status == 500) { // change status bar message $('#server_status').html('Renaissance Wireless Server: [500 Internal Server Failure]'); // set timed re-check and store it setTimeout(function(){get_server_status(my_guid);},12300); } if (receiver_status == 501) { // change status bar message $('#server_status').html('Renaissance Wireless Server: [503 Service Unavailable]'); // set timed re-check and store it setTimeout(function(){get_server_status(my_guid);},12300); } // pass the xml to the textarea // $('#process').val('GetAccessPoints'); // $('#show_errors_here').val(response); }); },thrownError){ $('#server_status').html('Renaissance Wireless Server: [Connection Failure]'); // alert(xhr.status); // alert(thrownError); } }); // set timed re-check and store it // setTimeout(function(){get_server_status(my_guid);},12300); } $(document).ready(function() { // step 3.part 1 get the guid to be used as the application id var my_guid = guid(); // step 1 validate get_server_status(my_guid); // step 2. get device count get_device_count(); // step 3.part 1 get the guid to be used as the application id // var my_guid = guid(); // step 3. part 2 connect to a service handler whatever that means // connect_service_handler(my_guid); }); </script> </body> </html>
要求jQuery进行套接字通信是我所知道的jQuery范围之外的. jQuery实际上只是使用XMLHttpRequest,它不适用于持久套接字.
那么使用ActionScript Socket类呢
这是一篇关于联邦快递技术博客的一篇有趣的帖子,关于将jQuery与socket.io和node.js一起使用 – http://spiritconsulting.com.ar/fedex/2010/11/events-with-jquery-nodejs-and-socket-io/
html air开发人员可以使用air javascript套接字类.我刚刚在这里偶然发现:
主页/ HTML开发人员指南,用于Adobe AIR /网络和通信