根据Bently写的<<编程珠玑>>(programming pearls)写的一个例程,解决的问题可以简要概述为:
输入[1,2,3,4,5], 切断位置(partitioning position)为2,那么输出为:
问题看似简单,大家千万别小看它的编程难度, 我对编程水平的理解,应该是程序的时间(多快的运算时间),空间(多省的内存占用量)以及代码长度(多言简意赅的代码)这三者的综合。
(A'B')' = (BA)
just for fun! For more information,please refer to Bentley's book <programming pearls>
place exchange program:
输入[1,2,3,4,5], 切断位置(partitioning position)为2,那么输出为:
问题看似简单,大家千万别小看它的编程难度, 我对编程水平的理解,应该是程序的时间(多快的运算时间),空间(多省的内存占用量)以及代码长度(多言简意赅的代码)这三者的综合。
(A'B')' = (BA)
just for fun! For more information,please refer to Bentley's book <programming pearls>
place exchange program:
#include <iostream> #include <assert.h> using namespace std; template <class Type> void exchange_place(const Type *pArr,const int Arr_len,int pos,Type **ppArr_out) //Effect: pArr [A,B] --> (*ppArr_out)[B,A],with the cutting position 'pos' //Inputs: //pArr: the input array //Arr_len: the length of the input Array //pos: the partitioning position //Outputs: //*ppArr_out: [B,A] //Author: Su Dongcai at 2011/12/11 //Key ideal: //(A'B')' = (BA) { (*ppArr_out) = new Type[Arr_len]; memcpy(*ppArr_out,pArr,Arr_len*sizeof(Type)); assert(pos < Arr_len); //A' reverse(*ppArr_out,pos); //B' reverse((*ppArr_out)+pos,Arr_len-pos); //(A'B')' reverse(*ppArr_out,Arr_len); } template <class Type> void reverse(Type *pArr,const int Arr_len) //Effect: reverse the input array: pArr [a,b] --> pArr[b,a] //inputs: //pArr: the input array //Arr_len: the length of input array //outputs: //pArr: the reversed Array //Author: Su Dongcai at 2011/12/11 { assert(Arr_len > 0); Type *pArr_cp = new Type[Arr_len]; memcpy(pArr_cp,Arr_len*sizeof(Type)); //now we reverse: int i; for(i=0; i<Arr_len; i++) { pArr = pArr_cp[Arr_len-i-1]; } delete [] pArr_cp; } template <class Type> void display(Type *pArr,const int Arr_len) { cout<<"["; int i; for(i=0; i<Arr_len; i++) { cout<<pArr<<","; } cout<<"]"<<endl; } //main entrance for test purpose: int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int Array[] = {1,5}; int *pArr; exchange_place<int>(Array,&pArr); display<int>(pArr,5); delete [] pArr; }