

每一个object都含有state和method,因此定义一个object的时候一定要说明他的含有什么data member,还有什么method。

多用design pattern,少用inheritance;using interfaces

1. 设计一个文本编辑器

a)composite pattern来分别管理只读文本和可读写文本
b)singleton 一个文本管理manage
c) observer 可以告诉其他文本一些global状态的改变,比如format

2. Zoo

An interface for Animal,It has several abstract methods: sell,buy,sleep,eat
use composite pattern to implement differentspecies animal, like bird,cat. These species are also abstract class. And the implementation of specific animal,like cat,tiger,puma.

each abstract class has a state: habit,which shows the common habit of a particular species. two methods: sethabit / gethabit. eachconcrete class has more information: living area and so on. override method: sell buy,eat.

