同步 – 依赖负载在CPU中重新排序

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了同步 – 依赖负载在CPU中重新排序前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我一直在阅读 Memory Barriers: A Hardware View For Software Hackers,这是Paul E. McKenney的一篇非常受欢迎的文章.



1 struct el *insert(long key,long data)
2 {
3     struct el *p;
4     p = kmalloc(sizeof(*p),GPF_ATOMIC);
5     spin_lock(&mutex);
6     p->next = head.next;
7     p->key = key;
8     p->data = data; 
9     smp_wmb();
10    head.next = p;
11    spin_unlock(&mutex);
12 }
14 struct el *search(long key)
15 {
16     struct el *p;
17     p = head.next;
18     while (p != &head) {
19         /* BUG ON ALPHA!!! */
20         if (p->key == key) {
21             return (p);
22         }
23         p = p->next;
24     };
25     return (NULL);
26 }

> cpu0和cpu1有2个处理器.
> insert()有一个写屏障,确保第6-8行的无效首先在总线中,然后在第10行无效.







在无序处理器中,加载 – 存储队列用于跟踪和实施内存排序约束.诸如Alpha 21264之类的处理器具有防止依赖负载重新排序的必要硬件,但强制执行此依赖性可能会增加处理器间通信的开销.




ST R1,A       // store value in register R1 to memory at address A
LD B,R2       // load value from memory at address B to register R2
ADD R2,1,R2  // add immediate value 1 to R2 and save result in R2

在此示例中,LD和ADD指令之间存在依赖关系. ADD读取R2的值,因此在LD使该值可用之前它不能执行.这种依赖关系是通过寄存器进行的,它是处理器的问题逻辑可以跟踪的.


处理器不是在发布时尝试检测内存依赖性,而是使用称为加载 – 存储队列的结构来跟踪它们.此结构的作用是跟踪已发布但尚未停用的指令的挂起加载和存储的地址.如果存在内存订购违规,则可以检测到这种情况,并且可以从发生违规的位置重新开始执行.






在依赖负载重新排序的情况下,处理器必须跟踪此信息以供其自己使用,但Alpha ISA不要求它确保其他处理器看到此排序.如何发生这种情况的一个例子如下(我引用了this link)

Initially: p = & x,x = 1,y = 0

    Thread 1         Thread 2
  y = 1         |    
  memoryBarrier |    i = *p
  p = & y       |
Can result in: i = 0

The anomalous behavior is currently only possible on a 21264-based
system. And obvIoUsly you have to be using one of our multiprocessor
servers. Finally,the chances that you actually see it are very low,
yet it is possible.

Here is what has to happen for this behavior to show up. Assume T1
runs on P1 and T2 on P2. P2 has to be caching location y with value 0.
P1 does y=1 which causes an “invalidate y” to be sent to P2. This
invalidate goes into the incoming “probe queue” of P2; as you will
see,the problem arises because this invalidate could theoretically
sit in the probe queue without doing an MB on P2. The invalidate is
acknowledged right away at this point (i.e.,you don’t wait for it to
actually invalidate the copy in P2’s cache before sending the
acknowledgment). Therefore,P1 can go through its MB. And it proceeds
to do the write to p. Now P2 proceeds to read p. The reply for read p
is allowed to bypass the probe queue on P2 on its incoming path (this
allows replies/data to get back to the 21264 quickly without needing
to wait for prevIoUs incoming probes to be serviced). Now,P2 can
derefence P to read the old value of y that is sitting in its cache
(the inval y in P2’s probe queue is still sitting there).

How does an MB on P2 fix this? The 21264 flushes its incoming probe
queue (i.e.,services any pending messages in there) at every MB.
Hence,after the read of P,you do an MB which pulls in the inval to y
for sure. And you can no longer see the old cached value for y.

Even though the above scenario is theoretically possible,the chances
of observing a problem due to it are extremely minute. The reason is
that even if you setup the caching properly,P2 will likely have ample
opportunity to service the messages (i.e.,inval) in its probe queue
before it receives the data reply for “read p”. Nonetheless,if you
get into a situation where you have placed many things in P2’s probe
queue ahead of the inval to y,then it is possible that the reply to p
comes back and bypasses this inval. It would be difficult for you to
set up the scenario though and actually observe the anomaly.

The above addresses how current Alpha’s may violate what you have
shown. Future Alpha’s can violate it due to other optimizations. One
interesting optimization is value prediction.



