/** Link has poor connectivity. */ VERIFYING_POOR_LINK
class VerifyingLinkState extends State { @Override public void enter() { if (DBG) log(getName() + "\n"); EventLog.writeEvent(EVENTLOG_WIFI_STATE_CHANGED,getName()); setNetworkDetailedState(DetailedState.VERIFYING_POOR_LINK); mWifiConfigStore.updateStatus(mLastNetworkId,DetailedState.VERIFYING_POOR_LINK); sendNetworkStateChangeBroadcast(mLastBssid); } @Override public boolean processMessage(Message message) { switch (message.what) { case WifiWatchdogStateMachine.POOR_LINK_DETECTED: //stay here break; case WifiWatchdogStateMachine.GOOD_LINK_DETECTED: try { mNwService.enableIpv6(mInterfaceName); } catch (RemoteException re) { loge("Failed to enable IPv6: " + re); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { loge("Failed to enable IPv6: " + e); } setNetworkDetailedState(DetailedState.CONNECTED); mWifiConfigStore.updateStatus(mLastNetworkId,DetailedState.CONNECTED); sendNetworkStateChangeBroadcast(mLastBssid); transitionTo(mConnectedState); break; default: return NOT_HANDLED; } return HANDLED; } }
WifiWatchdogStateMachine monitors the connection to a WiFi network. When WiFi
connects at L2 layer,the beacons from access point reach the device and it
can maintain a connection,but the application connectivity can be flaky (due
to bigger packet size exchange).We now monitor the quality of the last hop on WiFi using packet loss ratio as
an indicator to decide if the link is good enough to switch to Wi-Fi as the uplink.When WiFi is connected,the WiFi watchdog keeps sampling the RSSI and the
instant packet loss,and record it as per-AP loss-to-RSSi statistics. When
the instant packet loss is higher than a threshold,the WiFi watchdog sends a
poor link notification to avoid WiFi connection temporarily.While WiFi is being avoided,the WiFi watchdog keep watching the RSSI to
bring the WiFi connection back. Once the RSSI is high enough to achieve a
lower packet loss,a good link detection is sent such that the WiFi
connection become available again.BSSID roaming has been taken into account. When user is moving across
multiple APs,the WiFi watchdog will detect that and keep watching the
currently connected AP.Power impact should be minimal since much of the measurement relies on passive statistics already being tracked at the driver and the polling is done when screen is turned on and the RSSI is in a certain range.