import java.io.*; import java.util.Scanner; public class Ex420 { public static void main( String args[] ) { String employeeName = ""; double workHours,excessHours,hourlyRates,grossPay; Scanner input = new Scanner( System.in ); while ( employeeName != "stop" ) { System.out.printf( "\nInput employee name or stop to exit: " ); employeeName = input.nextLine(); System.out.printf( "Input working hours: " ); workHours = input.nextDouble(); System.out.printf( "Input hourly rates: " ); hourlyRates = input.nextDouble(); if ( workHours <= 40 & workHours >= 0 ) { excessHours = 0; grossPay = hourlyRates * workHours; System.out.printf( "%s's gross pay is $%.2f\n",employeeName,grossPay ); } else if ( workHours > 40 ) { excessHours = workHours - 40; grossPay = hourlyRates * 40 + 1.5 * hourlyRates * excessHours; System.out.printf( "\n%s's worked for %.1f excess hours.\n",excessHours ); System.out.printf( "%s's gross pay is $%.2f\n",grossPay ); } else { System.out.printf( "Invalid input. Please try again." ); } } // end while } // end main } // end class Ex420
此外,在第一个循环之后,程序总是跳过询问employeeName.我尝试替换employeeName = input.nextLine(); with employeeName = input.next();它不再跳过它.我想知道,有什么办法可以让我在使用employeeName = input.nextLine()时不跳过输入;?