Eclipse表示,由于泛型橡皮擦,Type Parameter不允许使用instanceof操作.
class SomeClass<T>{ T t; SomeClass(Object o){ System.out.println(o instanceof T); // Illegal } }
那么,为什么我不能用T检查变量的类型,它可以在运行时被Integer替换.而我实际上会做类似“o instanceof Integer”的事情.
如果在运行时需要T,则需要在运行时提供它.这通常通过传递Class< T>来完成. T必须是.
class SomeClass<T> { final T t; public SomeClass(Class<T> tClass,T t) { if(!tClass.isAssignableFrom(t.getClass()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be a " + tClass); this.t = t; } private SomeClass(T t) { this.t = t; } public static <T> SomeClass<T> of(Class<T> tClass,T t) { if(!tClass.isAssignableFrom(t.getClass()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be a " + tClass); return new SomeClass(t); } } // doesn't compile SomeClass<Integer> intSomeClass = SomeClass.of(Integer.class,"one"); Class clazz = Integer.class; // compiles with a warning and throws an IAE at runtime. SomeClass<Integer> intSomeClass = (SomeClass<Integer>) SomeClass.of(clazz,"one"); // compiles and runs ok. SomeClass<Integer> intSomeClass = SomeClass.of(Integer.class,1);