我收到此错误 –
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The specified message queue synchronization barrier token has not been posted or has already been removed.
作为Java / Android的相对新手,毫无疑问我错过了一些东西,但我正在做的是这个 –
工人线程 – > UI线程 – >定制显示适配器.然后单击GridView中的一个“单元格”将触发下一个活动.第一个活动搜索所有照片文件,创建“年”列表,然后每个后续活动将其过滤到几个月,几天等.
这是将消息传递给线程的类 –
public class MonthSort { Handler handler; int imageWidth; List<PhotoData> photoList; public MonthSort(Handler handler2,int width,List<PhotoData> pList) { photoList = new ArrayList<PhotoData>(); photoList = pList; imageWidth = width; handler = handler2; } public void sortFiles() { int month,photoCount; File fileName = new File(""); Message msg = handler.obtainMessage(); //Message msg = Message.obtain(); //Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); try { for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { month = i + 1; photoCount = 0; for (PhotoData pd : photoList) { if(month == pd.month) { if(photoCount == 0) fileName = pd.fileName; photoCount++; } } if(photoCount != 0) { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("filename",fileName.toString()); bundle.putInt("month",month); bundle.putInt("count",photoCount); byte[] thumbNail = getThumbnail(fileName,imageWidth); bundle.putByteArray("thumbnail",thumbNail); msg.setData(bundle); handler.sendMessage(msg); } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block Log.d("Debug","handler error occurs in monthSort class"); } /*Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putBoolean("end",true); msg.setData(bundle); handler.sendMessage(msg);*/ }
public class MonthActivity extends Activity { List<PhotoData> photoList; static List<MonthData> photos; int imageWidth; GridView photoGrid; static ImageAdapter2 iAdapter; int year; Thread monthSortThread; Handler handler2 = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { Bundle bundle = msg.getData(); // Get the message sent to the Handler. boolean ended = bundle.getBoolean("end"); if(ended) { //Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(),"FINISHED !!!",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } else { try { MonthData md = new MonthData(); md.monthValue = bundle.getInt("month"); md.monthString = getMonthString(md.monthValue); md.count = bundle.getInt("count"); byte[] tn = bundle.getByteArray("thumbnail"); md.thumbnail = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(tn,tn.length); photos.add(md); iAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block Log.d("Debug","handler error occurs in UI Handler"); } } } };