public abstract class F<A,B> { public abstract B f(A a); } ... public static <A,B> F<A,B> memoize(final F<A,B> fn) { return new F<A,B>() { private final Map<A,B> map = new HashMap<A,B>(); public B f(A a) { B b = map.get(a); if (b == null) { b = fn.f(a); map.put(a,b); } return b; } }; } //usage: private class Cell<X> { public X value = null; } ... final Cell<F<Integer,BigInteger>> fibCell = new Cell<F<Integer,BigInteger>>(); fibCell.value = memoize(new F<Integer,BigInteger>() { public BigInteger f(Integer a) { return a <= 1 ? BigInteger.valueOf(a) : fibCell.value.f(a - 1).add(fibCell.value.f(a - 2)); } }); System.out.println(fibCell.value.f(1000));
memoFix :: ((a -> b) -> (a -> b)) -> a -> b memoFix f = let mf = memoize (f mf) in mf
public static class FunctionRef<A,B> { private F<A,B> func; public void set(F<A,B> f) { func = f; } public F<A,B> get() { return func; } } public static class Pair<A,B> { public final A first; public final B second; public Pair(A a,B b) { this.first = a; this.second = b; } } public static <A,B> memoFix(final F<Pair<FunctionRef<A,B>,A>,B> func) { final FunctionRef<A,B> y = new FunctionRef<A,B>(); y.set( memoize(new F<A,B>() { @Override public B f(A a) { return func.f(new Pair<FunctionRef<A,A>(y,a)); } }) ); return y.get(); } //Test that it works public static void main(String[] args) { F<Pair<FunctionRef<Integer,Integer>,Integer> fib = new F<Pair<FunctionRef<Integer,Integer>() { @Override public Integer f(Pair<FunctionRef<Integer,Integer> a) { int value = a.second; System.out.println("computing fib of " + value); if (value == 0) return 0; if (value == 1) return 1; return a.first.get().f(value - 2) + a.first.get().f(value - 1); } }; F<Integer,Integer> memoized = memoFix(fib); System.out.println(memoized.f(10)); }