class Point { double x,y; // .... constructor and other functions here public boolean equals(Point p) { if(p==null) return(false); return(x==p.x && y==p.y); } public int hashCode() { int result=17; long c1=Double.doubleToLongBits(x); long c2=Double.doubleToLongBits(y); int ci1=(int)(c1 ^ (c1 >>> 32)); int ci2=(int)(c2 ^ (c2 >>> 32)); result = 31 * result + ci1; result = 31 * result + ci2; return result; } }
Point x=new Point(11,7); Point y=new Point(11,7); System.out.println("hash-code of x=" + x.hashCode()); System.out.println("hash-code of y=" + y.hashCode()); System.out.println("x.equals(y) = " + x.equals(y)); System.out.println("x==y = " + (x==y)); java.util.HashSet<Point> s=new java.util.HashSet<Point>(); s.add(x); System.out.println("Contains "+y.toString()+" = "+s.contains(y)); s.add(y); System.out.println("Set size: "+s.size()); java.util.Iterator<Point> itr=s.iterator(); while(itr.hasNext()) System.out.println(itr.next().toString());
hash-code of x=79052753 hash-code of y=79052753 x.equals(y) = true x==y = false Contains (11.0,7.0) = false Set size: 2 (11.0,7.0) (11.0,7.0)