import Cocoa import IOBluetooth import PlaygroundSupport class BlueDelegate : IOBluetoothDeviceInquiryDelegate { func deviceInquiryComplete(_ sender: IOBluetoothDeviceInquiry,error: IOReturn,aborted: Bool) { aborted print("called") let devices = sender.foundDevices() for device : Any? in devices! { if let thingy = device as? IOBluetoothDevice { thingy.getAddress() } } } } var delegate = BlueDelegate() var inquiry = IOBluetoothDeviceInquiry(delegate: delegate) inquiry?.start() PlaygroundPage.current.needsIndefiniteExecution = true
以下代码在Xcode版本8.2.1(8C1002),Swift 3.0中完美运行.有几行不需要,例如deviceInquiryStarted的整个方法.
更新:这些用法仍然适用于Xcode 9.2(9B55)和Swift 4.
import Cocoa import IOBluetooth import PlaygroundSupport class BlueDelegate : IOBluetoothDeviceInquiryDelegate { func deviceInquiryStarted(_ sender: IOBluetoothDeviceInquiry) { print("Inquiry Started...") //optional,but can notify you when the inquiry has started. } func deviceInquiryDeviceFound(_ sender: IOBluetoothDeviceInquiry,device: IOBluetoothDevice) { print("\(device.addressString!)") } func deviceInquiryComplete(_ sender: IOBluetoothDeviceInquiry!,aborted: Bool) { //optional,but can notify you once the inquiry is completed. } } var delegate = BlueDelegate() var ibdi = IOBluetoothDeviceInquiry(delegate: delegate) ibdi?.updateNewDeviceNames = true ibdi?.start() PlaygroundPage.current.needsIndefiniteExecution = true
import Cocoa import IOBluetooth import ... class BlueDelegate : IOBluetoothDeviceInquiryDelegate { func deviceInquiryStarted(_ sender: IOBluetoothDeviceInquiry) { print("Inquiry Started...") } func deviceInquiryDeviceFound(_ sender: IOBluetoothDeviceInquiry,device: IOBluetoothDevice) { print("\(device.addressString!)") } } //other classes here: //reference the following outside of any class: var delegate = BlueDelegate() var ibdi = IOBluetoothDeviceInquiry(delegate: delegate) //refer to these specifically inside of any class: ibdi?.updateNewDeviceNames = true ibdi?.start() //recommended under after an action-button press.
正如Apple的API Reference所述:
Important Note: DO NOT perform remote name requests on devices from delegate methods or while this object is in use. If you wish to do your own remote name requests on devices,do them after you have stopped this object. If you do not heed this warning,you could potentially deadlock your process.
我希望在Swift中使用IOBluetooth时,我创建的这个Q / A可以帮助其他有需要的人.缺乏任何教程和大量过时的Objective-C代码使得查找此信息非常具有挑战性.我要感谢@RobNapier在一开始就试图找到这个谜题的答案的支持.我还要感谢NotMyName在Apple Developer论坛上对我的post的回复.