/// Executes a fetch request with given parameters in context's block. + (NSArray *)executeFetchRequestWithEntityName:(NSString *)entityName predicate:(NSPredicate *)predicate fetchLimit:(NSUInteger)fetchLimit sortDescriptor:(NSSortDescriptor *)sortDescriptor inContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context{ NSCAssert(entityName.length > 0,@"entityName parameter in executeFetchRequestWithEntityName:predicate:fetchLimit:sortDescriptor:inContext:\ is invalid"); __block NSArray * results = nil; NSPredicate * newPredicate = [CWFCoreDataUtilities currentUserPredicateInContext:context]; if (predicate){ newPredicate = [NSCompoundPredicate andPredicateWithSubpredicates:@[newPredicate,predicate]]; } [context performBlockAndWait:^{ NSFetchRequest * request = [NSFetchRequest fetchRequestWithEntityName:entityName]; request.fetchLimit = fetchLimit; request.predicate = newPredicate; if (sortDescriptor) { request.sortDescriptors = @[sortDescriptor]; } NSError * error = nil; results = [context executeFetchRequest:request error:&error]; if (error){ @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:NSInternalInconsistencyException reason:@"Fetch requests are required to succeed." userInfo:@{@"error":error}]; NSLog(@"ERROR! %@",error); } NSCAssert(results != nil,@"Fetch requests must succeed"); }]; return results; }
当我从两个不同的线程同时输入这个方法并通过两个不同的上下文时,这个行会导致死锁:results = [context executeFetchRequest:request error:& error];
这是有趣的:似乎两个线程都不能在Persistent Store协调器上获取一些锁,以执行提取请求.
我不能把我的手指,为什么我锁定的应用程序,我该怎么做不同的.我对Stack Overflow的研究没有给我任何东西,因为大多数人通过在MOC的队列上发送抓取请求来修复所有的锁,我已经做了.
Which is interesting: it seems like both threads cannot acquire some lock on the Persistent Store Coordinator in order to execute a fetch request.
Coordinators do the opposite of providing for concurrency—they serialize operations. If you want to use multiple threads for different write operations you use multiple coordinators. Note that if multiple threads work directly with a coordinator,they need to lock and unlock it explicitly.