已经有许多问题处理90°间隔的旋转,大多数不合适this one,但是我想要旋转一个真正的角度。最好有可能由于旋转而调整图像尺寸,并为要添加到图像表面的部件设置自定义(透明)背景颜色。那么我假设例程的签名看起来像:
procedure RotateBitmap(Bmp: TBitmap; Angle: Single; AdjustSize: Boolean; BackColor: TColor);
These answers提到以下候选人构建这个例程:SetWorldTransform,PlgBlt,GDI,但我想看到(高效)的实现。
tl;dr; Use GDI+
使用WinAPI的SetWorldTransform,您可以转换设备上下文的空间:旋转,剪切,偏移和缩放。这是通过设置XFORM类型的变换矩阵的成员完成的。按照the documentation填写会员。
procedure RotateBitmap(Bmp: TBitmap; Rads: Single; AdjustSize: Boolean; BkColor: TColor = clNone); var C: Single; S: Single; XForm: tagXFORM; Tmp: TBitmap; begin C := Cos(Rads); S := Sin(Rads); XForm.eM11 := C; XForm.eM12 := S; XForm.eM21 := -S; XForm.eM22 := C; Tmp := TBitmap.Create; try Tmp.TransparentColor := Bmp.TransparentColor; Tmp.TransparentMode := Bmp.TransparentMode; Tmp.Transparent := Bmp.Transparent; Tmp.Canvas.Brush.Color := BkColor; if AdjustSize then begin Tmp.Width := Round(Bmp.Width * Abs(C) + Bmp.Height * Abs(S)); Tmp.Height := Round(Bmp.Width * Abs(S) + Bmp.Height * Abs(C)); XForm.eDx := (Tmp.Width - Bmp.Width * C + Bmp.Height * S) / 2; XForm.eDy := (Tmp.Height - Bmp.Width * S - Bmp.Height * C) / 2; end else begin Tmp.Width := Bmp.Width; Tmp.Height := Bmp.Height; XForm.eDx := (Bmp.Width - Bmp.Width * C + Bmp.Height * S) / 2; XForm.eDy := (Bmp.Height - Bmp.Width * S - Bmp.Height * C) / 2; end; SetGraphicsMode(Tmp.Canvas.Handle,GM_ADVANCED); SetWorldTransform(Tmp.Canvas.Handle,XForm); BitBlt(Tmp.Canvas.Handle,Tmp.Width,Tmp.Height,Bmp.Canvas.Handle,SRCCOPY); Bmp.Assign(Tmp); finally Tmp.Free; end; end;
procedure RotateBitmap(Bmp: TBitmap; Rads: Single; AdjustSize: Boolean; BkColor: TColor = clNone); var C: Single; S: Single; Tmp: TBitmap; OffsetX: Single; OffsetY: Single; Points: array[0..2] of TPoint; begin C := Cos(Rads); S := Sin(Rads); Tmp := TBitmap.Create; try Tmp.TransparentColor := Bmp.TransparentColor; Tmp.TransparentMode := Bmp.TransparentMode; Tmp.Transparent := Bmp.Transparent; Tmp.Canvas.Brush.Color := BkColor; if AdjustSize then begin Tmp.Width := Round(Bmp.Width * Abs(C) + Bmp.Height * Abs(S)); Tmp.Height := Round(Bmp.Width * Abs(S) + Bmp.Height * Abs(C)); OffsetX := (Tmp.Width - Bmp.Width * C + Bmp.Height * S) / 2; OffsetY := (Tmp.Height - Bmp.Width * S - Bmp.Height * C) / 2; end else begin Tmp.Width := Bmp.Width; Tmp.Height := Bmp.Height; OffsetX := (Bmp.Width - Bmp.Width * C + Bmp.Height * S) / 2; OffsetY := (Bmp.Height - Bmp.Width * S - Bmp.Height * C) / 2; end; Points[0].X := Round(OffsetX); Points[0].Y := Round(OffsetY); Points[1].X := Round(OffsetX + Bmp.Width * C); Points[1].Y := Round(OffsetY + Bmp.Width * S); Points[2].X := Round(OffsetX - Bmp.Height * S); Points[2].Y := Round(OffsetY + Bmp.Height * C); PlgBlt(Tmp.Canvas.Handle,Points,Bmp.Width,Bmp.Height,0); Bmp.Assign(Tmp); finally Tmp.Free; end; end;
Graphics32是专门用于快速位图处理的库。它需要一些经验来掌握其全部潜力,但the documentation以及所提供的示例应该让您开始。
uses GR32,GR32_Transforms; procedure RotateBitmap(Bmp: TBitmap32; Degs: Integer; AdjustSize: Boolean; BkColor: TColor = clNone; Transparent: Boolean = False); overload; var Tmp: TBitmap32; Transformation: TAffineTransformation; begin Tmp := TBitmap32.Create; Transformation := TAffineTransformation.Create; try Transformation.BeginUpdate; Transformation.SrcRect := FloatRect(0,Bmp.Height); Transformation.Translate(-0.5 * Bmp.Width,-0.5 * Bmp.Height); Transformation.Rotate(0,-Degs); if AdjustSize then with Transformation.GetTransformedBounds do Tmp.SetSize(Round(Right - Left),Round(Bottom - Top)) else Tmp.SetSize(Bmp.Width,Bmp.Height); Transformation.Translate(0.5 * Tmp.Width,0.5 * Tmp.Height); Transformation.EndUpdate; Tmp.Clear(Color32(BkColor)); if not Transparent then Bmp.DrawMode := dmTransparent; Transform(Tmp,Bmp,Transformation); Bmp.Assign(Tmp); Bmp.OuterColor := Color32(BkColor); if Transparent then Bmp.DrawMode := dmTransparent; finally Transformation.Free; Tmp.Free; end; end; procedure RotateBitmap(Bmp: TBitmap; Degs: Integer; AdjustSize: Boolean; BkColor: TColor = clNone); overload; var Tmp: TBitmap32; Transparent: Boolean; begin Tmp := TBitmap32.Create; try Transparent := Bmp.Transparent; Tmp.Assign(Bmp); RotateBitmapGR32(Tmp,Degs,AdjustSize,BkColor,Transparent); Bmp.Assign(Tmp); if Transparent then Bmp.Transparent := True; finally Tmp.Free; end; end;
在Windows XP中引入,Microsoft的GDI+ API比默认的GDI API更有效率。对于Delphi 2009及以上版本,库可用from here.对于较旧的Delphi版本,库可用from here。
uses GDIPOBJ,GDIPAPI; // < D2009 GdiPlus; // >= D2009 procedure RotateBitmap(Bmp: TBitmap; Degs: Integer; AdjustSize: Boolean; BkColor: TColor = clNone); var Tmp: TGPBitmap; Matrix: TGPMatrix; C: Single; S: Single; NewSize: TSize; Graphs: TGPGraphics; P: TGPPointF; begin Tmp := TGPBitmap.Create(Bmp.Handle,Bmp.Palette); Matrix := TGPMatrix.Create; try Matrix.RotateAt(Degs,MakePoint(0.5 * Bmp.Width,0.5 * Bmp.Height)); if AdjustSize then begin C := Cos(DegToRad(Degs)); S := Sin(DegToRad(Degs)); NewSize.cx := Round(Bmp.Width * Abs(C) + Bmp.Height * Abs(S)); NewSize.cy := Round(Bmp.Width * Abs(S) + Bmp.Height * Abs(C)); Bmp.Width := NewSize.cx; Bmp.Height := NewSize.cy; end; Graphs := TGPGraphics.Create(Bmp.Canvas.Handle); try Graphs.Clear(ColorRefToARGB(ColorToRGB(BkColor))); Graphs.SetTransform(Matrix); Graphs.DrawImage(Tmp,(Cardinal(Bmp.Width) - Tmp.GetWidth) div 2,(Cardinal(Bmp.Height) - Tmp.GetHeight) div 2); finally Graphs.Free; end; finally Matrix.Free; Tmp.Free; end; end;
第一个也是最重要的结论是,GDI使用反锯齿,其他的没有别的,导致最好的图像质量。 (我没有成功尝试通过设置CompositingQuality,InterpolationMode,SmoothingMode和PixelOffsetMode来防止抗锯齿,所以当不使用别名时不要使用GDI。)
unit RotateTestForm; interface uses Windows,SysUtils,Classes,Graphics,Controls,Forms,Dialogs,ExtCtrls,JPEG,Math,GR32,GR32_Transforms,GDIPOBJ,GDIPAPI {,GdiPlus}; type TTestForm = class(TForm) private FImage: TImage; FOpenDialog: TOpenDialog; procedure FormPaint(Sender: TObject); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; end; var TestForm: TTestForm; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure RotateBitmapSWT(Bmp: TBitmap; Rads: Single; AdjustSize: Boolean; BkColor: TColor = clNone); var C: Single; S: Single; XForm: TXForm; Tmp: TBitmap; begin C := Cos(Rads); S := Sin(Rads); XForm.eM11 := C; XForm.eM12 := S; XForm.eM21 := -S; XForm.eM22 := C; Tmp := TBitmap.Create; try Tmp.TransparentColor := Bmp.TransparentColor; Tmp.TransparentMode := Bmp.TransparentMode; Tmp.Transparent := Bmp.Transparent; Tmp.Canvas.Brush.Color := BkColor; if AdjustSize then begin Tmp.Width := Round(Bmp.Width * Abs(C) + Bmp.Height * Abs(S)); Tmp.Height := Round(Bmp.Width * Abs(S) + Bmp.Height * Abs(C)); XForm.eDx := (Tmp.Width - Bmp.Width * C + Bmp.Height * S) / 2; XForm.eDy := (Tmp.Height - Bmp.Width * S - Bmp.Height * C) / 2; end else begin Tmp.Width := Bmp.Width; Tmp.Height := Bmp.Height; XForm.eDx := (Bmp.Width - Bmp.Width * C + Bmp.Height * S) / 2; XForm.eDy := (Bmp.Height - Bmp.Width * S - Bmp.Height * C) / 2; end; SetGraphicsMode(Tmp.Canvas.Handle,SRCCOPY); Bmp.Assign(Tmp); finally Tmp.Free; end; end; procedure RotateBitmapPLG(Bmp: TBitmap; Rads: Single; AdjustSize: Boolean; BkColor: TColor = clNone); var C: Single; S: Single; Tmp: TBitmap; OffsetX: Single; OffsetY: Single; Points: array[0..2] of TPoint; begin C := Cos(Rads); S := Sin(Rads); Tmp := TBitmap.Create; try Tmp.TransparentColor := Bmp.TransparentColor; Tmp.TransparentMode := Bmp.TransparentMode; Tmp.Transparent := Bmp.Transparent; Tmp.Canvas.Brush.Color := BkColor; if AdjustSize then begin Tmp.Width := Round(Bmp.Width * Abs(C) + Bmp.Height * Abs(S)); Tmp.Height := Round(Bmp.Width * Abs(S) + Bmp.Height * Abs(C)); OffsetX := (Tmp.Width - Bmp.Width * C + Bmp.Height * S) / 2; OffsetY := (Tmp.Height - Bmp.Width * S - Bmp.Height * C) / 2; end else begin Tmp.Width := Bmp.Width; Tmp.Height := Bmp.Height; OffsetX := (Bmp.Width - Bmp.Width * C + Bmp.Height * S) / 2; OffsetY := (Bmp.Height - Bmp.Width * S - Bmp.Height * C) / 2; end; Points[0].X := Round(OffsetX); Points[0].Y := Round(OffsetY); Points[1].X := Round(OffsetX + Bmp.Width * C); Points[1].Y := Round(OffsetY + Bmp.Width * S); Points[2].X := Round(OffsetX - Bmp.Height * S); Points[2].Y := Round(OffsetY + Bmp.Height * C); PlgBlt(Tmp.Canvas.Handle,0); Bmp.Assign(Tmp); finally Tmp.Free; end; end; procedure RotateBitmapGR32(Bmp: TBitmap32; Degs: Integer; AdjustSize: Boolean; BkColor: TColor = clNone; Transparent: Boolean = False); overload; var Tmp: TBitmap32; Transformation: TAffineTransformation; begin Tmp := TBitmap32.Create; Transformation := TAffineTransformation.Create; try Transformation.BeginUpdate; Transformation.SrcRect := FloatRect(0,Transformation); Bmp.Assign(Tmp); Bmp.OuterColor := Color32(BkColor); if Transparent then Bmp.DrawMode := dmTransparent; finally Transformation.Free; Tmp.Free; end; end; procedure RotateBitmapGR32(Bmp: TBitmap; Degs: Integer; AdjustSize: Boolean; BkColor: TColor = clNone); overload; var Tmp: TBitmap32; Transparent: Boolean; begin Tmp := TBitmap32.Create; try Transparent := Bmp.Transparent; Tmp.Assign(Bmp); RotateBitmapGR32(Tmp,Transparent); Bmp.Assign(Tmp); if Transparent then Bmp.Transparent := True; finally Tmp.Free; end; end; procedure RotateBitmapGDIP(Bmp: TBitmap; Degs: Integer; AdjustSize: Boolean; BkColor: TColor = clNone); var Tmp: TGPBitmap; Matrix: TGPMatrix; C: Single; S: Single; NewSize: TSize; Graphs: TGPGraphics; P: TGPPointF; begin Tmp := TGPBitmap.Create(Bmp.Handle,(Cardinal(Bmp.Height) - Tmp.GetHeight) div 2); finally Graphs.Free; end; finally Matrix.Free; Tmp.Free; end; end; { TTestForm } constructor TTestForm.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Font.Name := 'Tahoma'; Top := 0; ClientWidth := 560; ClientHeight := 915; Show; FImage := TImage.Create(Self); FOpenDialog := TOpenDialog.Create(Self); FOpenDialog.Title := 'Select an small sized image (min. 100 x 100)'; FOpenDialog.Options := FOpenDialog.Options + [ofFileMustExist]; FOpenDialog.Filter := 'JPEG|*.JPG|BMP|*.BMP'; if FOpenDialog.Execute then begin FImage.Picture.LoadFromFile(FOpenDialog.FileName); OnPaint := FormPaint; Invalidate; end else Application.Terminate; end; procedure TTestForm.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); var Img: TBitmap; Bmp: TBitmap; Bmp32: TBitmap32; BkColor: TColor; AdjustSize: Boolean; Degs: Integer; Rads: Single; RotCount: Integer; I: Integer; Tick: Cardinal; begin Img := TBitmap.Create; Bmp := TBitmap.Create; Bmp32 := TBitmap32.Create; try BkColor := clBtnFace; Img.Canvas.Brush.Color := BkColor; Img.Width := 100; Img.Height := 100; Img.Canvas.Draw(0,FImage.Picture.Graphic); AdjustSize := False; Degs := 45; Rads := DegToRad(Degs); RotCount := 1000; Canvas.TextOut(10,10,'Original:'); Canvas.Draw(10,30,Img); Canvas.TextOut(10,140,Format('Size = %d x %d',[Img.Width,Img.Height])); Canvas.TextOut(10,160,Format('Angle = %d°',[Degs])); Canvas.TextOut(10,250,Format('%d rotations:',[RotCount])); Canvas.TextOut(120,'SetWorldTransform:'); Bmp.Assign(Img); RotateBitmapSWT(Bmp,Rads,BkColor); Canvas.Draw(120,Bmp); if not AdjustSize then begin Tick := GetTickCount; for I := 0 to RotCount - 2 do RotateBitmapSWT(Bmp,BkColor); Canvas.TextOut(120,Format('%d msec',[GetTickCount - Tick])); Canvas.Draw(120,Bmp); end; Canvas.TextOut(230,'PlgBlt:'); Bmp.Assign(Img); RotateBitmapPLG(Bmp,BkColor); Canvas.Draw(230,Bmp); if not AdjustSize then begin Tick := GetTickCount; for I := 0 to RotCount - 2 do RotateBitmapPLG(Bmp,BkColor); Canvas.TextOut(230,[GetTickCount - Tick])); Canvas.Draw(230,Bmp); end; Canvas.TextOut(340,'Graphics32:'); Bmp.Assign(Img); RotateBitmapGR32(Bmp,BkColor); Canvas.Draw(340,Bmp); if not AdjustSize then begin Tick := GetTickCount; for I := 0 to RotCount - 2 do RotateBitmapGR32(Bmp,BkColor); Canvas.TextOut(340,[GetTickCount - Tick])); Canvas.Draw(340,Bmp); // Without in between conversion to TBitmap: Bmp32.Assign(Img); Tick := GetTickCount; for I := 0 to RotCount - 1 do RotateBitmapGR32(Bmp32,False); Canvas.TextOut(340,270,Format('%d msec (optimized)',[GetTickCount - Tick])); end; Canvas.TextOut(450,'GDI+ :'); Bmp.Assign(Img); RotateBitmapGDIP(Bmp,BkColor); Canvas.Draw(450,Bmp); if not AdjustSize then begin Tick := GetTickCount; for I := 0 to RotCount - 2 do RotateBitmapGDIP(Bmp,BkColor); Canvas.TextOut(450,[GetTickCount - Tick])); Canvas.Draw(450,Bmp); end; finally Bmp32.Free; Bmp.Free; Img.Free; OnPaint := nil; end; end; end.