Type TExtract = record Wheel: string; Extract: array [1..5] of Byte; end; TExtractList = TList<TExtract> TEstr = record Date: TDate; Extract: TExtractList; end; TEstrList = TList<TEstr>;
你应该使用内置的TList< T> .BinarySearch()函数,即使它正确地要求TEstr记录作为参数.您首先需要使用TList< T> .Sort()使用与搜索相同的条件对列表进行排序,然后调用BinarySearch()来查找您的记录.
uses Generics.Defaults; // this provides TDelegatedComparer uses Math; // this provides Sign() function SearchList(Date:TDate; Sort:Boolean; List:TList<TEstr>): Integer; var Comparer: IComparer<TEstr>; Dummy: TEstr; begin // Prepare a custom comparer that'll be used to sort the list // based on Date alone,and later to BinarySearch the list using // date alone. Comparer := TDelegatedComparer<TEstr>.Construct( function (const L,R: TEstr): Integer begin Result := Sign(L.Date - R.Date); end ); // If the list is not sorted,sort it. We don't know if it's sorted or not,// so we rely on the "Sort" parameter if Sort then List.Sort(Comparer); // Prepare a Dummy TEstr record we'll use for searching Dummy.Date := Date; // Call BinarySearch() to look up the record based on Date alone if not List.BinarySearch(Dummy,Result,Comparer) then Result := -1; end;
BinarySearch假定列表已排序(这是二进制搜索的本质!).在第一次调用时,您需要设置Sort = True,以便正确排序列表.在后续调用中,Sort应为False.当然,在实际使用中,您可能有单独的搜索和排序例程,并且您可能将它们作为从TList< TEstr>降序的类的方法. (使事情更轻松).为了dempnstration的目的,我将两者放在同一个例程中.