

在我在网上阅读的所有资料中,似乎CSS自定义属性和CSS变量是相同的.但是,在Mozilla Developer Network文档的Inheritance of CSS Variables部分中的示例结尾处,有一个令人困惑的声明:

Keep in mind that these are custom properties,not actual CSS
variables. The value is computed where it is needed,not stored for
use in other rules. For instance,you cannot set a property for an
element and expect to retrieve it in a sibling’s descendant’s rule.
The property is only set for the matching selector and its
descendants,like any normal CSS.



CSS Custom Property与CSS Variable相同.但这似乎是一些笨拙的命名.

他们对页面标题没有错:Using CSS custom properties (variables)

然而,CSS变量不是传统意义上的变量,因为没有办法定义它以使其像编程语言或CSS预处理器(LESS / Sass)一样全局范围.



w3.org’s CSS Custom Properties for Cascading Variables

This module introduces a family of custom author-defined properties known collectively as custom properties

自定义属性是可以使用var( – my-custom-prop)引用的定义.像一个变量!

quote continued…

as one only has to change the value once,in the custom property,and the change will propagate to all uses of that variable automatically.

尴尬……上述陈述并不完全正确.似乎Mozilla开发者网络文档正试图澄清这个想法,以免它变得混乱. Repeating the original quote

Keep in mind that these are custom properties,not actual CSS variables. The value is computed where it is needed,not stored for use in other rules. For instance,you cannot set a property for an element and expect to retrieve it in a sibling’s descendant’s rule. The property is only set for the matching selector and its descendants,like any normal CSS.


因此var( – my-custom-prop)可以根据声明的位置解析为非常不同的东西,并且声明不会传播到更高的范围.

如果您想尝试一下,这是a codepen to mess around with.

因此,将CSS Custom Property视为与CSS Variable相同,但请务必记住值级联,并且没有全局范围.

