DEFINITIONS: BRWS = (width of the browser window,not a variable) BODY = (width of the document's body) LRMG = (width of the document's left and right margins) HSCR = (range of the browser window's horizontal scroll bar) OBJECTIVE: MIN HSCR /* Third requirement */ CONSTRAINTS: HSCR = BODY + 2*LRMG - BRWS /* From the definition of how a browser's * horizontal scrollbar works. */ BODY >= 60 /* First requirement */ LRMG <= 3 /* Second requirement */ LRMG >= 0 /* Physical constraint,margins cannot be negative */ HSCR >= 0 /* Physical constraint,scroll bars cannot have negative ranges */
BODY = (BRWS <= 66) ? 60 : (BRWS - 6) HSCR = (BRWS >= 60) ? 0 : (60 - BRWS) LRMG = (BRWS + HSCR - BODY) / 2
body { min-width: 60em; /* First requirement */ } /* The document's body has only two children,both of which are divs. */ body > div { margin: 0 3em; /* Second requirement,but in a way that makes */ max-width: 100%; /* it impossible to satisfy the third one. */ }
body > div { max-margin: 0 3em; max-width: 100%; }