c# – 国际象棋编程(无AI) – 移动验证

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了c# – 国际象棋编程(无AI) – 移动验证前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我知道有 Chess Game Starter Kit,我看了它的开始灵感.

但是我没有抓到的是我的非国王作品在哪里经过验证的动作(here is moves validation)阻止自己检查?@H_301_4@

A5 – 对手开车
A4 – 我的主教
A3 – 我的国王@H_301_4@









这是我自己的C#国际象棋引擎的IsAttacked方法.请记住,我的引擎是基于magic bitboard的,因此代码不能直接应用于您链接的国际象棋入门套件.除非你熟悉魔术位板,否则翻译不会是微不足道的.@H_301_4@

// IsAttacked is primarily used as a move legality test to see if a set of 
// one or more squares is under attack from the side to move.
// It returns true as soon as an attack is detected,otherwise returns false.
// It can be used for check detection,castling legality,or simply to 
// detect whether a specific square is attacked.
internal bool IsAttacked(Board board,UInt64 targetSquares,bool whiteAttacking)
    UInt64 slidingAttackers; Int32 targetSquare;
    UInt64 remainingTargetSquares = targetSquares;

    // Test for attacks by WHITE on any of the target squares.
    if (whiteAttacking) 
        // For the remaining target squares...
        while (remainingTargetSquares != 0)
            // Find the next square in the list.
            targetSquare = BitOperations.BitScanForward(remainingTargetSquares);

            // Is this square attacked by a pawn,knight,or king?
            if ((board.WhitePawns & Constants.BLACK_PAWN_ATTACKS[targetSquare]) != 0) return true;
            if ((board.WhiteKnights & Constants.KNIGHT_ATTACKS[targetSquare]) != 0) return true;
            if ((board.WhiteKing & Constants.KING_ATTACKS[targetSquare]) != 0) return true;

            // Is this square attacked by a queen or rook along a file or rank?
            slidingAttackers = board.WhiteQueens | board.WhiteRooks;
            if (slidingAttackers != 0)
                if (this.RankMoves(board.OccupiedSquares,slidingAttackers,targetSquare) != 0) return true;
                if (this.FileMoves(board.OccupiedSquares,targetSquare) != 0) return true;

            // Is this square attacked by a queen or bishop along a diagonal?
            slidingAttackers = board.WhiteQueens | board.WhiteBishops;
            if (slidingAttackers != 0)
                if (this.DiagonalA8H1Moves(board.OccupiedSquares,targetSquare) != 0) return true;
                if (this.DiagonalA1H8Moves(board.OccupiedSquares,targetSquare) != 0) return true;

            // This square isn't attacked - remove and move on to next target square.
            remainingTargetSquares ^= Constants.BITSET[targetSquare];

    // Test for attacks by BLACK on any of the target squares.
        // For the remaining target squares...
        while (remainingTargetSquares != 0)
            // Find the next square in the list.
            targetSquare = BitOperations.BitScanForward(remainingTargetSquares);

            // Is this square attacked by a pawn,or king?
            if ((board.BlackPawns & Constants.WHITE_PAWN_ATTACKS[targetSquare]) != 0) return true;
            if ((board.BlackKnights & Constants.KNIGHT_ATTACKS[targetSquare]) != 0) return true;
            if ((board.BlackKing & Constants.KING_ATTACKS[targetSquare]) != 0) return true;

            // Is this square attacked by a queen or rook along a file or rank?
            slidingAttackers = board.BlackQueens | board.BlackRooks;
            if (slidingAttackers != 0)
                if (this.RankMoves(board.OccupiedSquares,targetSquare) != 0) return true;

            // Is this square attacked by a queen or bishop along a diagonal?
            slidingAttackers = board.BlackQueens | board.BlackBishops;
            if (slidingAttackers != 0)
                if (this.DiagonalA8H1Moves(board.OccupiedSquares,targetSquare) != 0) return true;

            // This square isn't attacked - remove and move on to next target square.
            remainingTargetSquares ^= Constants.BITSET[targetSquare];

    // None of the target squares are attacked.
    return false;


// If White can still castle kingside...
if ((board.WhiteCastlingStatus & Board.EnumCastlingStatus.CanCastleOO) != 0)
    // And the White kingside castling squares (F1/G1) aren't occupied...
    if ((Constants.MASK_FG[Constants.WHITE_MOVE] & board.OccupiedSquares) == 0)
        board.MoveBuffer[moveIndex++] = Constants.WHITE_CASTLING_OO;

// If White can still castle queenside...
if ((board.WhiteCastlingStatus & Board.EnumCastlingStatus.CanCastleOOO) != 0)
    // And the White queenside castling squares (D1/C1/B1) aren't occupied...
    if ((Constants.MASK_BD[Constants.WHITE_MOVE] & board.OccupiedSquares) == 0)
        board.MoveBuffer[moveIndex++] = Constants.WHITE_CASTLING_OOO;


// Checks whether the King is moving from or into check.
// Checks whether the King is moving across attacked squares.
internal bool IsCastlingMoveLegal(Board board,Move move)
    if (move.IsCastlingOO)
        if (move.IsWhiteMove)
            // Are any of the White kingside castling squares (E1/F1/G1) attacked?
            return !this.IsAttacked(board,Constants.MASK_EG[Constants.WHITE_MOVE],false);
            // Are any of the Black kingside castling squares (E8/F8/G8) attacked?
            return !this.IsAttacked(board,Constants.MASK_EG[Constants.BLACK_MOVE],true);
    else if (move.IsCastlingOOO)
        if (move.IsWhiteMove)
            // Are any of the White queenside castling squares (E1/D1/C1) attacked?
            return !this.IsAttacked(board,Constants.MASK_CE[Constants.WHITE_MOVE],false);
            // Are any of the Black queenside castling squares (E8/D8/C8) attacked?
            return !this.IsAttacked(board,Constants.MASK_CE[Constants.BLACK_MOVE],true);
    // Not a castling move!
        Debug.Assert(false,"Not a castling move!");
        return true;
