

我有一个检查循环依赖的方法.在输入中,我们有一个字典,其中包含例如<“A”,< “B”,“C”>>和<“B”,< “A”,“D”>,这意味着A取决于B和C,并且我们具有与A-> B的循环依赖性. 但通常我们有一个更加复杂的情况,有一连串的依赖.
如何修改这个方法找到一个依赖链?例如,我想要一个包含链A-> B-> A的变量,而不是类A与类B有冲突.

@H_404_5@private void FindDependency(IDictionary<string,IEnumerable<string>> serviceDependence)


在图中找到循环的简单方法是使用递归深度优先图形着色算法,其中节点被标记为“访问”或“访问”.如果在访问节点时发现它已经处于“访问”状态,那么你有一个循环.标记为“已访问”的节点可以跳过.例如: @H_404_5@public class DependencyExtensions { enum VisitState { NotVisited,Visiting,Visited }; public static TValue ValueOrDefault<TKey,TValue>(this IDictionary<TKey,TValue> dictionary,TKey key,TValue defaultValue) { TValue value; if (dictionary.TryGetValue(key,out value)) return value; return defaultValue; } static void DepthFirstSearch<T>(T node,Func<T,IEnumerable<T>> lookup,List<T> parents,Dictionary<T,VisitState> visited,List<List<T>> cycles) { var state = visited.ValueOrDefault(node,VisitState.NotVisited); if (state == VisitState.Visited) return; else if (state == VisitState.Visiting) { // Do not report nodes not included in the cycle. cycles.Add(parents.Concat(new[] { node }).SkipWhile(parent => !EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(parent,node)).ToList()); } else { visited[node] = VisitState.Visiting; parents.Add(node); foreach (var child in lookup(node)) DepthFirstSearch(child,lookup,parents,visited,cycles); parents.RemoveAt(parents.Count - 1); visited[node] = VisitState.Visited; } } public static List<List<T>> FindCycles<T>(this IEnumerable<T> nodes,IEnumerable<T>> edges) { var cycles = new List<List<T>>(); var visited = new Dictionary<T,VisitState>(); foreach (var node in nodes) DepthFirstSearch(node,edges,new List<T>(),cycles); return cycles; } public static List<List<T>> FindCycles<T,TValueList>(this IDictionary<T,TValueList> listDictionary) where TValueList : class,IEnumerable<T> { return listDictionary.Keys.FindCycles(key => listDictionary.ValueOrDefault(key,null) ?? Enumerable.Empty<T>()); } }


@H_404_5@var serviceDependence = new Dictionary<string,List<string>> { { "A",new List<string> { "A" }},{ "B",new List<string> { "C","D" }},{ "D",new List<string> { "E" }},{ "E",new List<string> { "F","Q" }},{ "F",new List<string> { "D" }},}; var cycles = serviceDependence.FindCycles(); Debug.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cycles,Formatting.Indented)); foreach (var cycle in cycles) { serviceDependence[cycle[cycle.Count - 2]].Remove(cycle[cycle.Count - 1]); } Debug.Assert(serviceDependence.FindCycles().Count == 0);



@H_404_5@public static class DependencyExtensions { enum VisitState { NotVisited,out value)) return value; return defaultValue; } private static void TryPush<T>(T node,Stack<KeyValuePair<T,IEnumerator<T>>> stack,VisitState.NotVisited); if (state == VisitState.Visited) return; else if (state == VisitState.Visiting) { Debug.Assert(stack.Count > 0); var list = stack.Select(pair => pair.Key).TakeWhile(parent => !EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(parent,node)).ToList(); list.Add(node); list.Reverse(); list.Add(node); cycles.Add(list); } else { visited[node] = VisitState.Visiting; stack.Push(new KeyValuePair<T,IEnumerator<T>>(node,lookup(node).GetEnumerator())); } } static List<List<T>> FindCycles<T>(T root,VisitState> visited) { var stack = new Stack<KeyValuePair<T,IEnumerator<T>>>(); var cycles = new List<List<T>>(); TryPush(root,stack,cycles); while (stack.Count > 0) { var pair = stack.Peek(); if (!pair.Value.MoveNext()) { stack.Pop(); visited[pair.Key] = VisitState.Visited; pair.Value.Dispose(); } else { TryPush(pair.Value.Current,cycles); } } return cycles; } public static List<List<T>> FindCycles<T>(this IEnumerable<T> nodes,VisitState>(); foreach (var node in nodes) cycles.AddRange(FindCycles(node,visited)); return cycles; } public static List<List<T>> FindCycles<T,null) ?? Enumerable.Empty<T>()); } }

这在N * log(N)E处应该是相当有效的,其中N是节点数,E是边数. Log(N)来自构建访问哈希表,可以通过使每个节点记住它的VisitState来消除.这似乎是合理的;在以下测试工具中,找到17897个周期的平均长度4393个10000个节点,125603个依赖关系的时间约为10.2秒:

@H_404_5@public class TestClass { public static void TestBig() { var elapsed = TestBig(10000); Debug.WriteLine(elapsed.ToString()); } static string GetName(int i) { return "ServiceDependence" + i.ToString(); } public static TimeSpan TestBig(int count) { var serviceDependence = new Dictionary<string,List<string>>(); for (int iItem = 0; iItem < count; iItem++) { var name = GetName(iItem); // Add several forward references. for (int iRef = iItem - 1; iRef > 0; iRef = iRef / 2) serviceDependence.Add(name,GetName(iRef)); // Add some backwards references. if (iItem > 0 && (iItem % 5 == 0)) serviceDependence.Add(name,GetName(iItem + 5)); } // Add one backwards reference that will create some extremely long cycles. serviceDependence.Add(GetName(1),GetName(count - 1)); List<List<string>> cycles; var stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); try { cycles = serviceDependence.FindCycles(); } finally { stopwatch.Stop(); } var elapsed = stopwatch.Elapsed; var averageLength = cycles.Average(l => (double)l.Count); var total = serviceDependence.Values.Sum(l => l.Count); foreach (var cycle in cycles) { serviceDependence[cycle[cycle.Count - 2]].Remove(cycle[cycle.Count - 1]); } Debug.Assert(serviceDependence.FindCycles().Count == 0); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Time to find {0} cycles of average length {1} in {2} nodes with {3} total dependencies: {4}",cycles.Count,averageLength,count,total,elapsed)); Console.ReadLine(); System.Environment.Exit(0); return elapsed; } }
