c# – 如何在定时器ASP.NET MVC上调用函数

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了c# – 如何在定时器ASP.NET MVC上调用函数前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我需要在定时器上调用函数(让我们说onTickTack()函数),并在ASP.NET MVC项目中重新加载一些信息.我知道有几种方法可以做到这一点,但是你认为最好的是哪一种?


重新加载一些信息 – 例如我在缓存中有一些东西,并且我想从定时器中的DB更新它 – 在一定时间内每天一次.


这个问题的答案很大程度上取决于你在ASP.NET MVC项目中重新加载一些信息是什么意思.这不是一个明确的问题,因此,显而易见,它不能有明确的答案.

因此,如果我们假设这样做,您想定期轮询一些控制器操作并更新视图上的信息,您可以使用setInterval javascript函数通过发送AJAX请求定期轮询服务器并更新UI:

window.setInterval(function() {
    // Send an AJAX request every 5s to poll for changes and update the UI
    // example with jquery:
    $.get('/foo',function(result) {
        // TODO: use the results returned from your controller action
        // to update the UI


var waitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false);
    waitHandle,// Method to execute
    (state,timeout) => 
        // TODO: implement the functionality you want to be executed
        // on every 5 seconds here
        // Important Remark: This method runs on a worker thread drawn 
        // from the thread pool which is also used to service requests
        // so make sure that this method returns as fast as possible or
        // you will be jeopardizing worker threads which could be catastrophic 
        // in a web application. Make sure you don't sleep here and if you were
        // to perform some I/O intensive operation make sure you use asynchronous
        // API and IO completion ports for increased scalability
    },// optional state object to pass to the method
    null,// Execute the method after 5 seconds
    TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5),// Set this to false to execute it repeatedly every 5 seconds


