示例输出:[TOP [S [S [NP [PRP I]] [VP [VBD ran] [PP [IN into] [NP [NNP Joe] [CC和] [NNP吉尔]]]]] [S [ADVP [RB then]] [NP [PRP we]] [VP [VBD去] [NP [NN购物]]]]]]
这是一个Java utility这样做,我正在寻找一个C#等效.
一个选项是parse the output into C# code,然后将其编码为XML,使每个节点成为string.Format(“< {0}>”,this.Name);和string.Format(“< / {0}>”,this._name);在中间放置所有的子节点.
执行此操作后,我将使用a tool for querying XML/HTML来解析树.数以千计的人已经使用查询选择器和jQuery来根据节点之间的关系解析树状结构.我认为这远远优于TRegex或其他过时和未维护的java实用程序.
var xml = CQ.Create(d.ToXml());
//this can be simpler with CSS selectors but I chose Linq since you'll probably find it easier
//Find joe,in our case the node that has the text 'Joe'
var joe = xml["*"].First(x => x.InnerHTML.Equals("Joe"));
//Find the last (deepest) element that answers the critiria that it has "Joe" in it,and has a VBD in it
//in our case the VP
var closestToVbd = xml["*"].Last(x => x.Cq().Has(joe).Has("VBD").Any());
Console.WriteLine("Closest node to VPD:\n " +closestToVbd.OuterHTML);
//If we want the VBD itself we can just find the VBD in that element
Console.WriteLine("\n\n VBD itself is " + closestToVbd.Cq().Find("VBD")[0].OuterHTML);
//Now for NP closest to 'Shopping',find the element with the text 'shopping' and find it's closest NP
var closest = xml["*"].First(x => x.InnerHTML.Equals("shopping")).Cq()
Console.WriteLine("\n\n NP closest to shopping is: " + closest);
一个选项是parse the output into C# code,然后将其编码为XML,使每个节点成为string.Format(“< {0}>”,this.Name);和string.Format(“< / {0}>”,this._name);在中间放置所有的子节点.
执行此操作后,我将使用a tool for querying XML/HTML来解析树.数以千计的人已经使用查询选择器和jQuery来根据节点之间的关系解析树状结构.我认为这远远优于TRegex或其他过时和未维护的java实用程序.
var xml = CQ.Create(d.ToXml()); //this can be simpler with CSS selectors but I chose Linq since you'll probably find it easier //Find joe,in our case the node that has the text 'Joe' var joe = xml["*"].First(x => x.InnerHTML.Equals("Joe")); //Find the last (deepest) element that answers the critiria that it has "Joe" in it,and has a VBD in it //in our case the VP var closestToVbd = xml["*"].Last(x => x.Cq().Has(joe).Has("VBD").Any()); Console.WriteLine("Closest node to VPD:\n " +closestToVbd.OuterHTML); //If we want the VBD itself we can just find the VBD in that element Console.WriteLine("\n\n VBD itself is " + closestToVbd.Cq().Find("VBD")[0].OuterHTML);
//Now for NP closest to 'Shopping',find the element with the text 'shopping' and find it's closest NP var closest = xml["*"].First(x => x.InnerHTML.Equals("shopping")).Cq() .Closest("NP")[0].OuterHTML; Console.WriteLine("\n\n NP closest to shopping is: " + closest);