The other keys are identical,even though traditionally the names of
special keys are printed on them in English. This is because Belgium
is predominantly bilingual (French-Dutch) and officially trilingual (a
third language,German,is spoken in the East Cantons).
因此,在与Infragistics讨论后,他们声称这是一个Windows Api调用,它返回MAJ而不是SHIFT.我从他们那里得到了一个展示行为的示例项目.所以现在我的问题是为什么Windows Api调用不会返回SHIFT,如果它是正常的,那么Office如何才能正确显示它?
class NativeWindowMethods { #region MapVirtualKey [DllImport("user32.dll")] internal static extern int MapVirtualKey(uint uCode,uint uMapType); #endregion //MapVirtualKey #region GetKeyNameText [DllImport("user32.dll",CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] internal static extern int GetKeyNameText( int lParam,[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr),Out]System.Text.StringBuilder str,int size); #endregion //GetKeyNameText }
> Infragistics是否使用正确的user32.dll api调用?
systemLocalizedString = Utilities.GetLocalizedShortcutString(shortcut);
使用快捷键= ShiftF12.调用后,systemLocalizedString等于“MAJ F12”.
更新:在Hans Passant的帮助下,我下载了Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator并导出了我当前的键盘布局.在.klc文件中没有找到MAJ,只有Shift(例如2a Shift).那么为什么user32.dll会返回MAJ?甚至更奇怪的是,当我复制.klc文件并将其安装为新键盘时,突然user32.dll确实为新安装的键盘返回Shift(虽然它是一个精确的副本).
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 { class Utilities { #region GetLocalizedShortcutString /// <summary> /// Returns the localized string for the specified <b>Shortcut</b> /// </summary> /// <param name="shortcut">Shortcut to localize</param> /// <param name="separator">Character used to separate multiple keys in the shortcut</param> /// <returns>A string containing the localized description of the shortcut based on the currently mapped keyboard layout</returns> public static string GetLocalizedShortcutString(Shortcut shortcut,char separator = '+') { if (shortcut == Shortcut.None) return string.Empty; return GetLocalizedKeyString((Keys)shortcut,separator); } #endregion //GetLocalizedShortcutString #region GetLocalizedKeyString /// <summary> /// Returns the localized string for the specified <b>Keys</b> /// </summary> /// <param name="keys">Keys to localize</param> /// <param name="separator">Character used to separate multiple keys</param> /// <returns>A string containing the localized description of the keys based on the currently mapped keyboard layout</returns> public static string GetLocalizedKeyString(Keys keys,char separator) { bool alt = ((long)keys & (long)Keys.Alt) != 0; bool ctrl = ((long)keys & (long)Keys.Control) != 0; bool shift = ((long)keys & (long)Keys.Shift) != 0; // get the key involved long value = (long)keys & 0xffff; Keys key = (Keys)Enum.ToObject(typeof(Keys),value); System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); if (alt && key != Keys.Menu) { sb.Append(GetLocalizedKeyStringHelper(Keys.Menu)); sb.Append(separator); } if (ctrl && key != Keys.ControlKey) { sb.Append(GetLocalizedKeyStringHelper(Keys.ControlKey)); sb.Append(separator); } if (shift && key != Keys.ShiftKey) { sb.Append(GetLocalizedKeyStringHelper(Keys.ShiftKey)); sb.Append(separator); } sb.Append(GetLocalizedKeyStringHelper(key)); return sb.ToString(); } #endregion //GetLocalizedKeyString #region GetLocalizedKeyStringHelper private static string GetLocalizedKeyStringHelper(Keys key) { string localizedKey = GetLocalizedKeyStringUnsafe(key); if (localizedKey == null || localizedKey.Length == 0) return key.ToString(); return localizedKey; } #endregion //GetLocalizedKeyStringHelper #region GetLocalizedKeyStringUnsafe private static string GetLocalizedKeyStringUnsafe(Keys key) { // strip any modifier keys long keyCode = ((int)key) & 0xffff; System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(256); long scanCode = NativeWindowMethods.MapVirtualKey((uint)keyCode,(uint)0); // shift the scancode to the high word scanCode = (scanCode << 16); if (keyCode == 45 || keyCode == 46 || keyCode == 144 || (33 <= keyCode && keyCode <= 40)) { // add the extended key flag scanCode |= 0x1000000; } NativeWindowMethods.GetKeyNameText((int)scanCode,256); return sb.ToString(); } #endregion //GetLocalizedKeyStringUnsafe } class NativeWindowMethods { #region MapVirtualKey [DllImport("user32.dll")] internal static extern int MapVirtualKey(uint uCode,uint uMapType); #endregion //MapVirtualKey #region GetKeyNameText [DllImport("user32.dll",CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] internal static extern int GetKeyNameText(int lParam,int size); #endregion //GetKeyNameText } }
but even I am using AZERTY,that’s what is used in schools to learn how to type so…
是的,这就是问题所在.获得AZERTY布局的唯一方法是在控制面板语言中选择标题为“français(Belgique)”的键盘布局添加语言.与“Nederlands(België)”布局相反,它有QWERTY安排. GetKeyNameText()winapi函数返回在键盘布局文件中编码的字符串.对于名为français的键盘布局,法语当然是法语,因此MAJ是预期的结果. Windows没有提供带有AZERTY排列的荷兰语的键盘布局.
一切都没有丢失,Windows用户经常要求自定义键盘布局.所以微软开发了一个工具来创建你自己的Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator.它主要用于重新安排按键,需要一点额外的肘部油脂才能让它做你想要的.该工具不允许您直接编辑密钥描述并默认使用英文名称.您将要从文件加载现有键盘开始.然后文件保存布局将布局保存到.klc文件.在文本编辑器中打开它,记事本很好,找到名为KEYNAME和KEYNAME_EXT的部分,并按照您希望的方式编辑键名.
重新启动该实用程序(不要跳过)并重新加载.klc文件.并使用Project Build DLL构建安装程序包.