public class MyEntity { public int ThingId { get; set; }; public string ThingName { get; set; } // Set from the service public int WooFactor { get; set; } } public class WooFactorGenerator { public int CalculateWooFactor(MyEntity thing); // Hits other services and repo's to eventually determine the woo factor. } // Code to get a "MyEntity": var myEntity = repo.GetById(1); var gen = new WooFactorGenerator(); myEntity.WooFactor = gen.CalculateWooFactor(myEntity);
因此,为了加载/饱和MyEntity对象,我需要从db加载,然后调用生成器来确定“woo factor”(哼).这段代码应该从架构的角度来看?目前的想法:
3)一个单独的服务类 – 似乎过度和不必要.