c# – 如何将LINQ分区为对象查询?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了c# – 如何将LINQ分区为对象查询?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。

数据集非常大.对于这个例子,假设1000家公司各有100个班次(尽管真实数据集更大).它们都被加载到内存中,我需要对它们运行一个LINQ to Objects查询

var topShifts =
            (from s in shifts
            where (from s2 in shifts
                   where s2.CompanyId == s.CompanyId && s.TimeSlot == s2.TimeSlot
                   orderby s2.Priority
                   select s2).First().Equals(s)
            select s).ToList();

问题在于,如果没有优化,LINQ to Objects将比较两个集合中的每个对象,进行所有1,000 x 100与1,000 x 100的交叉连接,这相当于100亿(10,000,000)个比较.我想要的是只比较每个公司内的对象(就像公司在sql表中被索引一样).这将产生1000组100×100个对象,总计1000万(10,000)个比较.随着公司数量的增长,后者将线性扩展而不是指数级扩展.



public struct Shift
    public static long Iterations;

    private int companyId;
    public int CompanyId
        get { Iterations++; return companyId; }
        set { companyId = value; }

    public int Id;
    public int TimeSlot;
    public int Priority;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        const int Companies = 1000;
        const int Shifts = 100;
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} Companies x {1} Shifts",Companies,Shifts));
        var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

        Console.WriteLine("Populating data");
        var shifts = new List<Shift>();
        for (int companyId = 0; companyId < Companies; companyId++)
            for (int shiftId = 0; shiftId < Shifts; shiftId++)
                shifts.Add(new Shift() { CompanyId = companyId,Id = shiftId,TimeSlot = shiftId / 3,Priority = shiftId % 5 });
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Completed in {0:n}ms",timer.ElapsedMilliseconds));

        Console.WriteLine("Computing Top Shifts");
        var topShifts =
                (from s in shifts
                where (from s2 in shifts
                       where s2.CompanyId == s.CompanyId && s.TimeSlot == s2.TimeSlot
                       orderby s2.Priority
                       select s2).First().Equals(s)
                select s).ToList();
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Completed in {0:n}ms",timer.ElapsedMilliseconds));

        foreach (var shift in shifts.Take(20))
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("C {0} Id {1} T {2} P{3}",shift.CompanyId,shift.Id,shift.TimeSlot,shift.Priority));

        Console.WriteLine("\nTop Shifts:");
        foreach (var shift in topShifts.Take(10))
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("C {0} Id {1} T {2} P{3}",shift.Priority));

        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("\nTotal Comparisons: {0:n}",Shift.Iterations/2));

        Console.WriteLine("Any key to continue");


1000 Companies x 100 Shifts
Populating data
Completed in 10.00ms
Computing Top Shifts
Completed in 520,721.00ms

C 0 Id 0 T 0 P0
C 0 Id 1 T 0 P1
C 0 Id 2 T 0 P2
C 0 Id 3 T 1 P3
C 0 Id 4 T 1 P4
C 0 Id 5 T 1 P0
C 0 Id 6 T 2 P1
C 0 Id 7 T 2 P2
C 0 Id 8 T 2 P3
C 0 Id 9 T 3 P4
C 0 Id 10 T 3 P0
C 0 Id 11 T 3 P1
C 0 Id 12 T 4 P2
C 0 Id 13 T 4 P3
C 0 Id 14 T 4 P4
C 0 Id 15 T 5 P0
C 0 Id 16 T 5 P1
C 0 Id 17 T 5 P2
C 0 Id 18 T 6 P3
C 0 Id 19 T 6 P4

Top Shifts:
C 0 Id 0 T 0 P0
C 0 Id 5 T 1 P0
C 0 Id 6 T 2 P1
C 0 Id 10 T 3 P0
C 0 Id 12 T 4 P2
C 0 Id 15 T 5 P0
C 0 Id 20 T 6 P0
C 0 Id 21 T 7 P1
C 0 Id 25 T 8 P0
C 0 Id 27 T 9 P2

Total Comparisons: 10,015.00
Any key to continue




var topShifts = from s in shifts.GroupBy(s => s.CompanyId)
                        from a in s.GroupBy(b => b.TimeSlot)
                        select a.OrderBy(p => p.Priority).First();


与@ Geoff的编辑他只是减少了我的比较:-)

