pollfd file_descriptors[1]; file_descriptors[0].fd = sock_fd; file_descriptors[0].events = POLLIN; int return_value = poll(file_descriptors,1,0); if (return_value == -1) { cerr << strerror(errno); } else if (return_value == 0) { cerr << "No data available to be read"; } else { if (file_descriptors[0].revents & POLLIN) { recv(sock_fd,buff,1024,0); } }
If the call to poll() returns neither -1 nor 0 and sets the POLLIN flag in the bitmap revents for the first entry in the file_descriptors array,then will the call to recv() block? If no,then will the data be read in instantaneously?
Assuming the call to poll() goes the same way as mentioned above. How much data is going to be read in? Is it just going to be the same as a regular call to recv()? i.e. an arbitrary (to the programmer) amount less than or equal to 1024 in the above case. Then if I want to poll() before reading again,do I just repeat from the first invocation of poll() until all data has been read in completely (i.e. in a client server scenario this would correspond to the request being completed)?
有三种常见的非阻塞I / O策略可以基于轮询或选择.所有都要求套接字设置为非阻塞.
1)在执行I / O操作之前,您始终可以调用poll或select.然后,只有在从poll或select中获得读取或写入命中时,才会尝试单个读取或写入操作.
3)您可以在执行I / O操作之前调用poll或select.然后,您可以尝试多次读取或写入,直到您完成所需的所有操作或获得“阻塞”指示.当你得到一个“会阻塞”指示时,你要等到select或poll告诉你,然后再尝试在该套接字上的那个方向上进行另一次操作.