
我想知道是否有办法在c中声明一个对象以防止它被子类化.是否有相当于在 Java中声明最终对象?


C++ FAQ,section on inheritance

This is known as making the class
“final” or “a leaf.” There are three
ways to do it: an easy technical
approach,an even easier non-technical
approach,and a slightly trickier
technical approach.

The (easy) technical approach is to
make the class’s constructors private
and to use the 07001
to create the objects. No one can
create objects of a derived class
since the base class’s constructor
will be inaccessible. The “named
constructors” themselves could 07002 or they could 07003.

The (even easier) non-technical
is to put a big fat ugly
comment next to the class definition.
The comment could say,for example,//
We'll fire you if you inherit from
this class
or even just /*final*/
class Whatever {...};
. Some
programmers balk at this because it is
enforced by people rather than by
technology,but don’t knock it on face
value: it is quite effective in

A slightly trickier technical approach
is to exploit 07004.
Since 07005,the following
guarantees that no concrete class can
inherit from class Fred:

class Fred;

 class FredBase {
   friend class Fred;
   FredBase() { }

 class Fred : private virtual FredBase {

Class Fred can access FredBase‘s ctor,
since Fred is a friend of FredBase,
but no class derived from Fred can
access FredBase’s ctor,and therefore
no one can create a concrete class
derived from Fred.

If you are in extremely
space-constrained environments (such
as an embedded system or a handheld
with limited memory,etc.),you should
be aware that the above technique
might add a word of memory to
sizeof(Fred). That’s because most compilers implement virtual inheritance by adding a pointer in objects of the derived class. This is compiler specific; your mileage may vary.

