Martin Sustrick’s blog在C,vs C中防止“未定义行为”的挑战,特别是由于内存耗尽而malloc()失败的问题,我被提醒了很多次,我很沮丧地知道该怎么做在这种情况下.
解决方案是在程序开始时调用一个malloc()的一堆空闲的内存,然后使用这个备用内存池来排除内存耗尽,何时出现.这个想法是为了防止投机,有利于有序撤退(我正在读取Kesselring’s defense of Italy的帐户),其中错误信息和IP套接字等将工作足够长(希望)至少告诉用户发生了什么.
#define SPARE_MEM_SIZE (1<<20) // reserve a megabyte static void *gSpareMem; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void *tenacIoUs_malloc(int requested_allocation_size) { static int remaining_spare_size = 0; // SPARE_MEM_SIZE; char err_msg[512]; void *rtn = NULL; // attempt to re-establish the full size of spare memory,if it needs it if (SPARE_MEM_SIZE != remaining_spare_size) { if(NULL != (gSpareMem = realloc(gSpareMem,SPARE_MEM_SIZE))) { remaining_spare_size = SPARE_MEM_SIZE; // "touch" the memory so O/S will allocate physical memory meset(gSpareMem,SPARE_MEM_SIZE); printf("\nSize of spare memory pool restored successfully in %s:%s at line %i :)\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); } else { printf("\nUnable to restore size of spare memory buffer.\n"); } } // attempt a plain,old vanilla malloc() and test for failure if(NULL != (rtn = malloc(requested_allocation_size))) { return rtn; } else { sprintf(err_msg,"\nInitial call to malloc() Failed in %s:%s at line %i",__LINE__); if(remaining_spare_size < requested_allocation_size) { // not enough spare storage to satisfy the request,so no point in trying printf("%s\nRequested allocaton larger than remaining pool. :(\n\t --- ABORTING --- \n",err_msg); return NULL; } else { // take the needed storage from spare memory printf("%s\nRetrying memory allocation....\n",err_msg); remaining_spare_size -= requested_allocation_size; if(NULL != (gSpareMem = realloc(gSpareMem,remaining_spare_size))) { // return malloc(requested_allocation_size); if(NULL != (rtn = malloc(requested_allocation_size))) { printf("Allocation from spare pool succeeded in %s:%s at line %i :)\n",__LINE__); return rtn; } else { remaining_spare_size += requested_allocation_size; sprintf(err_msg,"\nRetry of malloc() after realloc() of spare memory pool " "Failed in %s:%s at line %i :(\n",__LINE__); return NULL; } } else { printf("\nRetry Failed.\nUnable to allocate requested memory from spare pool. :(\n"); return NULL; } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int _tmain(int argc,_TCHAR* argv[]) { int *IntVec = NULL; double *DblVec = NULL; char *pString = NULL; char String[] = "Every good boy does fine!"; IntVec = (int *) tenacIoUs_malloc(100 * sizeof(int)); DblVec = (double *) tenacIoUs_malloc(100 * sizeof(double)); pString = (char *)tenacIoUs_malloc(100 * sizeof(String)); strcpy(pString,String); printf("\n%s",pString); printf("\nHit Enter to end program."); getchar(); return 0; }