luaL_loadfile(mState,path.c_str()); lua_pcall(mState,0);
int lua_sethook (lua_State *L,lua_Hook f,int mask,int count);
debug.sethook(function() print("That's enough for today"); os.exit(0); end,"",10000) for i=1,10000 do end
-- set an execution quota local function set_quota(secs) local st=os.clock() function check() if os.clock()-st > secs then debug.sethook() -- disable hooks error("quota exceeded") end end debug.sethook(check,100000); end -- these are the global objects,the user can use: local env = {print=print} -- The user code is allowed to run for 5 seconds. set_quota(5) -- run code under environment: local function run(untrusted_code) local untrusted_function,message = loadstring(untrusted_code) if not untrusted_function then return nil,message end setfenv(untrusted_function,env) return pcall(untrusted_function) end -- here is the user code: local userscript=[[ function fib(n) if n<2 then return n else return fib(n-2)+fib(n-1) end end for n=1,42 do print(n,fib(n)) end ]] -- call it: local r,m=run(userscript) print(r,m)