Ptools – 你有那些安装?如果是这样,可以使用“pfiles”来查找应用程序正在使用的端口:
原文链接:https://www.f2er.com/bash/389977.htmlpfiles prints information about all open file descriptors of a process.
If file descriptor corresponds to a file,then pfiles prints the fstat(2)
and fcntl(2) information.If the file descriptor corresponds to a socket,then pfiles prints socket
related info,such as the socket type,socket family,and protocol family.In the case of AF_INET and AF_INET6 family of sockets,information about
the peer host is also printed.
for f in $(ps -ex | awk'{print $ 1}’); do echo $ f; pfiles $ f | grep PORTNUM;完成
请切换端口号的PORTNUM。 :)可能是孩子pid,但让你足够接近以识别问题的应用程序。