在一个bash脚本中,我想将光标列放在一个变量中。看起来像使用ANSI转义码{ESC} [6n是获取它的唯一方法,例如以下方式:
# Query the cursor position echo -en '\033[6n' # Read it to a variable read -d R CURCOL # Extract the column from the variable CURCOL="${CURCOL##*;}" # We have the column in the variable echo $CURCOL
原文链接:https://www.f2er.com/bash/387632.html#!/bin/bash # based on a script from http://invisible-island.net/xterm/xterm.faq.html exec < /dev/tty oldstty=$(stty -g) stty raw -echo min 0 # on my system,the following line can be replaced by the line below it echo -en "\033[6n" > /dev/tty # tput u7 > /dev/tty # when TERM=xterm (and relatives) IFS=';' read -r -d R -a pos stty $oldstty # change from one-based to zero based so they work with: tput cup $row $col row=$((${pos[0]:2} - 1)) # strip off the esc-[ col=$((${pos[1]} - 1))