由于web网格只使用查询字符串变量来决定做什么,因此需要使用get方法表单.并且您需要以一种webgrid知道如何读取它的方式在querystring中包含sort字段/方向.所以你最终得到像localhost / example / admin / thing这样的网址?thingName = Hyatt& City =& State = TX& Country =& sort = city& sortdir = ASC
public ActionResult Index(string thingName,string city,string state,string country,int page = 1) { const int pageSize = 25; int totalRecords = 0; IEnumerable<Thing> things = ThingModel.GetPagedSortedLocationsForCustomer(customerId,sort,sortdir,out totalRecords,pageSize,page,thingName,city,state,country); PagedThings viewmodel = new PagedThings(pageSize,totalRecords,things); return View(viewmodel); }
@model ExampleCompany.Area.viewmodels.PagedThings @{ using (Html.BeginForm("Index","ThingaMaBob",System.Web.Mvc.FormMethod.Get)) { <label for="ThingName">ThingName</label>@Html.TextBox("ThingName","") <label for="City">City</label>@Html.TextBox("City","") <label for="State">State</label>@Html.TextBox("State","") <label for="Country">Country</label>@Html.TextBox("Country","") <input type="submit" value="Filter" /> <br /> var grid = new WebGrid(canPage: true,rowsPerPage: Model.PageSize,canSort: true); grid.Bind(Model.Things,rowCount: Model.TotalRows,autoSortAndPage: false); grid.Pager(WebGridPagerModes.All); @grid.GetHtml(htmlAttributes: new { id = "grid"},columns: grid.Columns( //ommitted grid.Column("thingName","Thing"),)); Html.Hidden(grid.SortFieldName,grid.SortColumn); Html.Hidden(grid.SortDirectionFieldName,grid.SortDirection == SortDirection.Ascending ? "ASC" : "DESC"); }
public static IEnumerable<Thing> GetPagedSortedThingsForCustomer(int customerid,String sortby,String sorttype,out int totalRecords,int pageSize,int pageIndex,string thingName,string country) { var tmp = new List<Thing>(); int total = 0; dynamic dr = OurDBUtility.ReturnDR("ExampleProc_GetThingsSortedPaged",ConnectionInfo.ExampleConnection,customerid,sortby,sorttype,pageIndex,country); { while (dr.Read()) { var tmpThing = new Thing(); tmpThing.LoadFromDr(dr); tmp.Add(tmpThing); if (total == 0) { total = (int)dr["TOTAL_THINGS"]; } } } totalRecords = total; return tmp; }
使用动态sql进行处理 – 是的,如果你愿意,你可以使用Linq-to-sql或其他技术,但我老了:
CREATE PROCEDURE ExampleProc_GetThingsSortedPaged ( @CustomerId int,@sortby nvarchar(60),@sorttype nvarchar(60),@pageSize int,@pageIndex int,@thingName nvarchar(255) = null,@city nvarchar(30) = null,@state nvarchar(30) = null,@country char(2) = null ) as DECLARE @strsql nvarchar(3000) --calculate paging rows declare @startRow int,@endRow int --e.g. if you have a page size of 10,page 1 = 1 - 10,page 2 = 11 -20 set @startRow = ((@pageIndex - 1) * @pageSize) + 1 set @endRow = @startRow + @pageSize - 1 if @thingName = '' set @thingName = null if @city = '' set @city = null if @state = '' set @state = null if @country = '' set @country = null --return total for webgrid,accounting for filter declare @totalThings int select @totalThings = COUNT(*) from EXAMPLE_TABLE T with(nolock) where CUSTOMER_ID = @CustomerId AND (T.THING_NAME LIKE @thingName + '%' OR @thingName is null) AND (T.CITY LIKE @city + '%' or @city is null) AND (T.STATE LIKE @state + '%' or @state is null) AND (T.COUNTRY = @country or @country is null) DECLARE @ParameterDefinition AS NVARCHAR(200) set @ParameterDefinition = '@totalThings int,@CustomerId INT,@startRow INT,@endRow INT,@thingName nvarchar(255),@city nvarchar(30),@state nvarchar(30),@country char(2)' --When we need to do dynamic sql it is better to use paramterization,but you cannot do (ORDER BY @sortBy). SET @strsql = N'SELECT * from ( select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY T.' + @sortby + ' ' + @sorttype + ') as Row,@totalThings [TOTAL_THINGS],T.THING_ID,T.THING_NAME,T.ADDRESS,T.CITY,T.STATE,T.ZIP_CODE,T.COUNTRY FROM EXAMPLE_TABLE T WHERE T.CUSTOMER_ID = @CustomerId AND (T.THING_NAME LIKE @thingName + ''%'' OR @thingName is null) AND (T.CITY LIKE @city + ''%'' or @city is null) AND (T.STATE LIKE @state + ''%'' or @state is null) AND (T.COUNTRY = @country or @country is null) ) paged where Row between @startRow and @endRow ORDER BY Row' --print @strsql EXECUTE sp_executesql @strsql,@ParameterDefinition,@totalThings,@CustomerId,@startRow,@endRow,@thingName,@city,@state,@country GO
Proc CTE:
CREATE PROCEDURE ExampleProc_GetThingsSortedPaged ( @CustomerID int,@pageSize int = 25,@pageIndex int = 1,@city varchar(30) = null,@country char(2) = null ) as declare @startRow int declare @endRow int SET @startRow = ((@pageIndex - 1) * @pageSize) + 1; SET @endRow = @startRow + @pageSize - 1; set @sortby = replace(LOWER(@sortby),'_','') SET @sorttype = LOWER(@sorttype) if @sorttype != 'asc' and @sorttype != 'desc' begin set @sorttype = 'asc' end ;with cte_things as ( SELECT CASE WHEN @sortby ='country' AND @sorttype = 'asc' then row_number() over (order by C.COUNTRY_NAME ASC) WHEN @sortby ='country' AND @sorttype = 'desc' then row_number() over (order by C.COUNTRY_NAME DESC) WHEN @sortby ='state' AND @sorttype = 'asc' then row_number() over (order by STATE ASC) WHEN @sortby ='state' AND @sorttype = 'desc' then row_number() over (order by STATE DESC) WHEN @sortby ='city' AND @sorttype = 'asc' then row_number() over (order by CITY ASC) WHEN @sortby ='city' AND @sorttype = 'desc' then row_number() over (order by CITY DESC) WHEN @sortby ='thingname' AND @sorttype = 'desc' then row_number() over (order by THING_NAME DESC) ELSE row_number() over (order by THING_NAME ASC) END AS Row,T.THING_TYPE,T.COUNTRY_CODE,C.COUNTRY_NAME,T.PHONE_NUMBER,T.LATITUDE,T.LONGITUDE FROM EXAMPLE_TABLE L join COUNTRIES C on C.COUNTRY_CODE = L.COUNTRY_CODE where T.CUSTOMER_ID = @CustomerId and L.CITY = ISNULL(@city,CITY) and L.STATE = ISNULL(@state,STATE) and L.COUNTRY_CODE = ISNULL(@country,L.COUNTRY_CODE) and L.THING_NAME = ISNULL(@thingName,THING_NAME) ),cte_total as (select COUNT(*) as TOTAL_THINGS from cte_things),cte_all as (select cte_things.*,cte_total.TOTAL_THINGS from cte_things cross join cte_total) SELECT * FROM cte_all where Row >= @startRow and Row <= @endRow ORDER BY Row GO