$scope.runAsync = function() { var asyncFn1 = function(data){ var deferred = $q.defer(); $timeout(function(){ console.log("Async fn1 " + data); $scope.outputLines.push("Async fn1 " + data); deferred.resolve("Async fn1 " + data); },1000); return deferred.promise; } var asyncFn2 = function(data){ var deferred = $q.defer(); $timeout(function(){ console.log("Async fn2 " + data); $scope.outputLines.push("Async fn2 " + data); deferred.resolve("Async fn2 " + data); },1000); return deferred.promise; } asyncFn1(1) .then(function(data){asyncFn2(data)}) .then(function(data){asyncFn2(data)}) .then(function(data){asyncFn2(data)}); }
Async fn1 1 Async fn2 Async fn1 1 Async fn2 undefined Async fn2 undefined
then(successCallback,errorCallback) – regardless of when the promise
was or will be resolved or rejected calls one of the success or error
callbacks asynchronously as soon as the result is available. The
callbacks are called with a single argument the result or rejection
reason.This method returns a new promise which is resolved or rejected via
the return value of the successCallback or errorCallback.
对于successCallack或errorCallback的返回值,根据Domenic’s slides:
if the return value is a promise then the promise adopts the returned
promise’s state otherwise the success callback is immediately called
with the return value
asyncFn1(1) .then(function(data){return asyncFn2(data)}) .then(function(data){return asyncFn2(data)}) .then(function(data){return asyncFn2(data)});