angular.module('MyApp',[]) .filter("placeholder",function(){ return function (text,length,end) { //console.log(typeof text,text,length); if(typeof text === 'undefined' || text == ''){ text = 'Click to edit...'; } return text; }; }) .directive("inlineEdit",function($compile,$q){ return { restrict: "A",replace: true,template: function(tElement,tAttrs){ var modelStr = tAttrs.inlineEdit,optionsStr = tAttrs.options,modelXtra = '',editElStr = ''; if(tAttrs.type === 'selectBox'){ modelXtra = '.value'; editElStr = '<select ng-show="editMode" ng-blur="endEdit(\''+modelStr+'\')" ng-model="'+modelStr+'" ng-options="a.value for a in '+optionsStr+'"></select>'; }else if(tAttrs.type === 'textarea'){ editElStr = '<textarea ng-show="editMode" ng-blur="endEdit(\''+modelStr+'\')" ng-model="'+modelStr+'"></textarea>'; }else{ editElStr = '<input type="text" ng-show="editMode" ng-blur="endEdit(\''+modelStr+'\')" ng-model="'+modelStr+'" />'; } return '<div class="body">'+ '<span ng-hide="editMode" ng-click="startEdit(\''+modelStr+'\',\''+optionsStr+'\')" ng-bind="'+modelStr+modelXtra+' | placeholder"></span>'+ editElStr+'<button ng-show="editMode" ng-click="save()">save</button>'+ '</div>'; },scope: true,controller: function($scope){ $scope.editMode = false; $scope.save = function(){ console.log("Saving..."); $scope.editMode = false; }; $scope.startEdit = function(modelStr,optionsStr){ console.log("Start edit mode..."); // Store original value,to be restored if not saving... $scope.origValue = $scope.$eval(modelStr); // If selectBox and no initial value,do init to first option if(typeof $scope.origValue === 'object' && typeof $scope.origValue.value !== 'string'){ $scope.$eval(modelStr+'='+optionsStr+'[0]'); } // Turn on edit mode $scope.editMode = true; }; $scope.endEdit = function(modelStr){ console.log("End edit mode..."); // Restore original value $scope.$eval(modelStr+'=origValue'); // Turn off edit mode $scope.editMode = false; }; } } }) .controller("UserAdminCtrl",function($scope){ $scope.options = {}; $scope.options.cars = [ { "key": 0,"value": "Audi" },{ "key": 1,"value": "BMW" },{ "key": 2,"value": "Volvo" } ]; $scope.data_copy = { user: { user_id: 'sevaxahe',comment: '',my_car: {} } }; });
而不是ng-click,使用ng-mousedown。 Mousedown事件在模糊事件之前触发。
如果您之后点击框外,模糊事件不会被触发(因为该字段已经模糊),所以在设置焦点后,您可能需要手动重新聚焦该字段 –
How to set focus on input field?
注意,通过使用这种方法,也可以使用右键单击(感谢Alexandros Vellis!)触发按钮,您可以在this official example中看到。