> Windows任务管理器
The memory used by Firefox increases by 50 – 100 MB per hour.
Size (MB) 20 min diff Size (MB) JS-Main-Runtime 32 36/+113% 68 JS-Main-Runtime-GC-Heap-Committed 20 27/+135% 47 Heap-Allocated 54 29/+54% 83 Heap-Committed 63 28/+44% 91 JS-GC-Heap 31 26/+84% 57 Private 156 58/+37% 214 Resident 175 62/+35% 237 VSize 509 86/+17% 595
> MemChaser
12:17 12:27 12:57 13:17 Resident (MB) 140 164 243 270 iGC (ms) 42 24 40 42 CC (ms) 3 53 206 286
Resident: Memory used by the process that is present in the physical memory.
iGC: Duration of the last garbage collector activity.
CC: Duration of the last cycle collector activity.
Removes the current scope (and all of its children) from the parent
scope. Removal implies that calls to $digest() will no longer
propagate to the current scope and its children. Removal also implies
that the current scope is eligible for garbage collection.The $destroy() is usually used by directives such as ngRepeat for
managing the unrolling of the loop. Just before a scope is
destroyed,a $destroy event is broadcasted on this scope.
Application code can register a $destroy event handler that will give
it a chance to perform any necessary cleanup. Note that,in
AngularJS,there is also a $destroy jQuery event,which can be used to
clean up DOM bindings before an element is removed from the DOM.
$destroy() must be called on a scope when it is desired for the scope and its child scopes to be permanently detached from the parent and thus stop participating in model change detection and listener notification by invoking.