图像资源是.apk应用程序包中/ res / drawable文件夹的一部分.您无法在运行时添加“新”图像资源.
您必须将媒体文件添加到Media Store才能被gallery小部件看到.使用MediaScanner.我在我的代码中使用这个方便的包装器:
public class MediaScannerWrapper implements MediaScannerConnection.MediaScannerConnectionClient { private MediaScannerConnection mConnection; private String mPath; private String mMimeType; // filePath - where to scan; // mime type of media to scan i.e. "image/jpeg". // use "*/*" for any media public MediaScannerWrapper(Context ctx,String filePath,String mime){ mPath = filePath; mMimeType = mime; mConnection = new MediaScannerConnection(ctx,this); } // do the scanning public void scan() { mConnection.connect(); } // start the scan when scanner is ready public void onMediaScannerConnected() { mConnection.scanFile(mPath,mMimeType); Log.w("MediaScannerWrapper","media file scanned: " + mPath); } public void onScanCompleted(String path,Uri uri) { // when scan is completes,update media file tags } }